
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Early morning rising..

Morning everyone!
I absolutely COULD NOT sleep anymore---4:48 and the bell tolled for me.
So, showered, laundered two loads, muffins in the oven, and taking a few moments to update my blog..
I don't know how much I'll get in before the rest of the house wakes up....25 more minutes...we'll see how fast my fingers can type :0)

To start, the weekend was beautiful for my Dad's retirement party! And viola.....

Stars-n-Stripes revealed!
Here's the simple poem I put together for the reveal....

On the wall or on your lap
The choice is up to you
Let this be just a simple token
For all the things you do

Cut up from some old PJ’s
Piecing this took a while
But this snuggly quilt goes to show you
Old things can still have style

You’ve put in your time, retirement is here
Your work is finally complete,
Kick back, relax and snuggle up,
Enjoy and fall fast asleep.

I also feel I needed to share this gift!!! They are "Redneck Chimes." The gentelman on the right is my Uncle, who also retired---it was a Duo-Retirement Party :0) So, after a lot of fun and sun, we headed back home late Saturday night.

Sunday was another absolutely BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!! I had intentions of being inside, quilting all day. Hmpf! By 9:00, I was the first out the door! After a run to the gas station, and $75 less in the wallet, I was off-n-mowing for the first time this year! Yeah, the grass was long, but we actually don't mind. It's easier to rake up and pile up as inexpensive "horse food." They LOVE freshly mowed grass!
We were rolling right along, so I made a super quick "picnic lunch" of Peanut-butter sandwiches and Cheese Puffs. And, of course, when there's a little bit of wind, there's bound to be some accidents. Directly when I snapped this picture, Caitlyn (back left) spilled her lemonade. Oh, the DRAMA :0) But the rest of the lunch went off without a hitch.
The rest of day consisted of more raking, picking up the yard, and cleaning Mom's car!!! I did a "super cleaning job" on the inside, while Paul and the girls washed the outside. WOW! It's amazing what driving in a clean car can do for you! I felt so GOOD driving to school yesterday morning!

And, yeah...speaking of school! FOUR MORE DAYS! Wooo-hooooo. Today will be so fun! It's the Junior High "Skate City" reward day. The four main teachers (myself, English, Science, and Social Studies) get to be chaperones, and it'll be a blast!
Then, Finals in all my classes tomorrow, and a "wrap-up" movie on Thursday and Friday. The end is near!!!!

Happy Day everyone!


  1. 4 more days! And not even real days at that! The quilt for your dad turned out so well. Congratulations on the finish.

  2. Just 4 days - but I always found that 'different' days like those were even more tiring. Great quilt, I'm sure your dad was tickled pink.

  3. The poem is excellent, as is your quilt, and I'll bet your dad, too.
    Sounds like you got a lot done, and the horses got a feast. Our school here gets out on Friday, too. Seems a lot later than usual.

  4. Your Dad's quilt looks great and I loved the poem....Those Red Neck Chimes are a hoot! Good job! Cute pictures of the kids too. more days! I can't believe it's June, life sure is passing quickly! Quilty hugs...

  5. The quilt looks fabulous! The poem too! Great job. A+ for you.

  6. The quilt is wonderful, I am sure your dad will treasure it! Your summer will be starting shortly and I am sure it will fly by, they always do don't they? Have a great summer and let us know about your races you are training for. I admire you with that kind of drive and determination!
