
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mailman goodies; House-cleaning; New "pet;"

When arriving home today, the mail held my "prize" for the Quilting Gallery's giveaway back on May 15th. It contained 8 fat quarters, a scarecrow wallhanging pattern, as well as three necklaces for "the girls." How absolutely considerate!!!

I haven't been downstairs sewing since last week, but I sure hope to get down there this weekend, seeing that school will be over AND the house is clean! Paul and I did a MAJOR cyclone-of-cleaning-attack on the house tonight. We NEEDED to! It sure is nice having a clean (or MOSTLY clean) house. We have his brother and family coming tomorrow night, AND possibly "Grandma and Grandpa" (his parents) too. So, we needed to clean up the girls' bedrooms as guest bedrooms and our own room to ensure we have plenting of sleeping areas.

Once we finished cleaning, it was past time of getting the girls into the bathtub, but they needed one! So, bedtime was pushed back just a wee bit, SPECIALLY when Paul brought the latest "surprise" in to the house for them to see. So, after bathtime and teeth-brushing, we went out to the garage to see the bunny, and give it a little lettuce.

To close tonight, I thought I'd share a pic of Cassie's "Grass-head." She came home with it from school yesterday. How funny! She insisted she need to "cut its hair" and then water it again. I will have to be sure to share this with my sister since she teaches Pre-Kindergarten and would probably LOVE to do this project with her kids!

Tomorrow is the last day of school and things have been going rather smoothly this week. It doesn't feel like it should be the last day, but I won't complain :0)


  1. The only time it's worth cleaning the house is when it really needs it. At last then you can see your efforts! I used to be thankful for visitors as it was about the only time I was spurred on to clean the house. I love Mr Grass Head - I used to love doing these when I was teaching infants. We used egg shells and drew faces on them before starting. Enjoy your last day of school.

  2. Great prizes, and I'm sure a daymaker. Mr Grass head is very cute. Enjoy your company, and your time off you'll have time for sewing soon.

  3. Hi Amy,

    I'm glad you liked the scarecrow pattern and the necklaces for your girls. Enjoy!!

    Have a great weekend.

    Quilting Gallery
