
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Goal setting Sunday

No football today
No hubby today (fishing)
No #1 or #2 today (fishing WITH hubby)

Just me, my mom and #3; hanging out.

I think I need to actually establish some goals today and broadcast to the world----(ie: therefore MUST meet them!) Since 4 is my favorite number, here are four (manageable) goals for the day:....

#1) Sew another set of 10 blocks for Pineapple Blossom
#2) Sew another set of 10 blocks for Scrappy Log Cabin
#3) Sew the 42 Modified Paintbox blocks from yesterday into a top, minus borders.
#4) Finish quilting Now or Forever (Feb. UFO)
oh...let's keep going shall we???...
#5) Sew up my three BOM's for March and start working on the directions (tonight in front of the Olympics)

Whew!!! Manageable???? Quite possibly if I get my lil' biscuits off the computer and get the day started!!!
Happy Sunday everyone!


  1. Way to go girl..I know I will be seeing photos of all this activity soon! Hope the fam catches some good fish too!

  2. Sounds good Amy! And like you it's the getting off the computer part which makes reaching my goals even possible!!

  3. How did you do on your goals? Hope you got a lot accomplished!

  4. I think accomplishing one of those goals would be great!
