
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Quiltathon - Pineapple Blossoms, Scrappy Log Cabins, Paintbox, Carolina Christmas, March BOM... whew!

Not that it's a biggy, but ....
THIS IS MY 350th post! 50 more posts and you can expect a goodie-of-a-giveaway! Four is my favorite number, so 400 SURE should be worth something, huh??....'d I do on my goals, you wonder????
Take a peek....

Goal #1 - Ten more Pineapple Blossom - CHECK.
(And bonus triangle pinwheels.)

Goal #2 - Ten more Scrappy Log Cabins - CHECK.

Goal #3 - Sew together Paintbox blocks - CHECK.
(I even threw on one small border.)

Goal #5 - Work on March BOM - CHECK.
All three blocks have been sewn together; now just to find time to type up the directions. How d'ya like the size of the one HST??? 1" FINISHED! HA!
As mentioned in the caption, I also took 30 minutes (or so) to press the HST's from Carolina Christmas's part #4. Before leaving the machine, I partially began sewing the Broken Dishes units; those are on the agenda to be finished up for tomorrow.

Goal #4 was the only one I didn't tackle today, but I really should make it my main goal for tomorrow. A finish would be nice. :0)

My mom picked up this collection of (mostly) C'mas fabrics at her local Goodwill for a couple of dollars....

And tonight, Cassie surprised ALL of us with Valentine's bags full of goodies. Caitlyn and Candace each got some candy and a V'day t-shirt, "Dad" got some silly high-flying saucer something-er-others, and **I** got this LOVELY V'day fabric. How thoughtful!!!!! (She went shopping with G'ma yesterday) ;0)

So, one more day of weekend for me tomorrow; looking forward to another day of sewing! :0)
Happy Sunday everyone.


  1. How sweet of Cassie to surprise you with the Valentine Fabric.

  2. What a thoughtful daughter you have. We don't tend to do much about St Valentine's Day in the Ryan household, just swap cards, though this year C did bring home a box of Belgian chocolates, most of which have been devoured already. You've been very busy. I especially like your paintbox quilt, lovely colours.

  3. Hello Amy, you have been very busy...looking forward to seeing the finished quilts...Warm Regards Lyn

  4. A Good Day- check
    I never find fabric at the Goodwill!
    The fabric was a fabulous gift!
    Enjoy your sewing day!

  5. WOW! I'm in awe of all that you got done! Congratulations!

  6. what a lot of eye candy you've shared with us this quiltathon. your work is always fun to see. thanks for sharing!

  7. Wow, you got a lot done! I'm envious, all I got done was laying on the couch recovering from a bug!

  8. Hey girl, you got alot done! Good for you. I like your goals of doing 10 at a time or whatever...I think I'll start doing something like that. That way, I can work on several projects at the same time too...hugs, Linda

  9. Goodness me how much did you get done? Well done - I'm so impressed. Lucky you to get a Valentines present - your girl sure does spoil you all.

  10. I love the clock in the pictures! I love the paintbox quilt, very cute!

  11. I brag on you to DH, and he tells me you could have done that when you were younger, you did over 20 garments a day with Stretch and Sew. Last night I showed him all you got done, and I lost my support team, he said I wonder what she could get done with Stretch and Sew, lol.
    I love your paintbox blocks without the sashing, a whole different look. I don't think it would be as good with my gypsy colors though. I love the ginghams and soft colors.
    I think Cassie knows how to please her mama.
