
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

9:06 update...

11:45 appointment set. I guess I can wait a few more hours for relief.....

I have been outside for an hour in the garden, doing a little weeding. MY GOAL THIS SUMMER: stay AHEAD of the weed!!!!!! So far, so good. Not many weeds to take care of yet. The corn has broke the surface and is about 2" high; the peas and beans have just broken ground as well....

Then, I grabbed my backup pair of gardening gloves (I threw away my last pair from when I touched the Poison Ivy), and I headed for the 6-7 Poison Ivy plants I found the other day. CAREFULLY, I pulled each out of the ground. I'm sure more will sprout because the stems I pulled didn't have any roots!!! It looks like they made a clean break from the main root system (kinda like rhubarb). I'll ask DH to till up another couple of paths with the tractor along the edge of our corn patch. The LAST thing I want it for any family members to go through THIS!

And these gloves were automatically thrown into the trash! Hands and arms scrubbed! Maybe I should scrub up my legs too---just in case they brushed up against a weed that had the nasty oil on!!!!

Again---I only have a small case, but still, I can't help but be a bit whiny! It's sooooooo bothersome!

At least I know what it looks like now.


  1. Oh, poor you, what a rotten start to your holidays. We don't have anything like that in the UK, the worst is stinging nettles and they only make a small rash and itch for a day or so, unless you rub it with dock leaves which seems to work. I hope the doctor can give you something efficacious.

  2. I feel for you. I don't even go mushroom hunting any more, because I always get poison ivy. Once I get it, it takes most of the summer to get rid of it. I cannot resist scratching. LOL I hope you are healed up in no time. Winona

  3. Hope the doctor gives you something that gives you some relief! I remember having poison ivy when I was a kid on my sucked but I had kind of forgotten...on your face and near your eye sucks! On the corn being two inches..I watch Young and the Restless and they visited a corn field the other day and the corn was 5 feet tall or the start of June? Am still irritated by that...little early in the season!

  4. We had that one year when we were camping...every one of us had it in one place or another. Very NASTY!
    Hope it goes away quickly!
