
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Wednesday Clinic Visit planned...

So, today is the first day I could sleep in for summer vacation because I"ve had Vball practice that last two mornings...

6:05-awake (which really is okay)

When I opened my eyes, my left one felt "weird." The swelling from the poison ivy rash on my face has reached the edge of my eye all the way around towards my nose.....


So, it's a definite! As soon at the 8:00 bell tolls, I'll be on the phone with the clinic to get some medical aid with this lil' rash. I have read so much the last few days that I think I have become a Poison Ivy GURU!; it takes anywhere from 1-4 weeks for the rash to disappear on its own. Most information shared some home recipes; one even talked about rubbing a banana peel on the rash. I haven't tried that out. Medical attention was only suggested if the rash covered more than 10% of the body OR if was on the face or genital areas. {{{OH MY!!!!! Genital areas!!!-----OHHHH, my heart goes out to anyone that would be THAT unfortunate!!!!!!}}.

Yesterday, the rash was a bit more annoying and I kept it soothed with a cold washcloth at times and an ice pack at other times. Calamine lotion has been my fragrance of choice lately.

Hopefully the clinic will be able to get me in shortly after opening so I can have the majority of my day ahead of me.

We've had rain over the past couple of days----a MUCH NEEDED rain. The garden most likely needs some attention and maybe I'll devote an hour or so to it. BUT, my quilting also needs some attention---I haven't sewed since Sunday.


  1. Would you feel any better knowing that someone else is in the same boat? I have poison ivy under my chin and on the inside of my arm in the same place that you have it. So far it hasn't spread to my face. I'm hoping to keep it contained. I sincerely hope the dr. can give you some relief.

  2. Normally, I just make jokes, but this "ain't" funny! Hope you get some relief and get it cleared up fast. I've got a friend that gets into it every year (slow learner) and ends up on steroids to clear it up. Hang in there!

  3. I am glad you are going in to the clinic!! Even with medication it will take a while to heal. Take care of yourself!!!!!!!

  4. Every time I get it I have to have a prescription. It goes all over me if I don't, and believe me, I try not to scratch. I HATE poison ivy. Take care.
