
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Another overcast day...

Happy Father's Day!
Note after post: Linda just sent me an email.....and I quote.....
Father's Day is next week--The Sunday after the official "Friday Night Sew In" :-)

you think there's a little sarcastic humor in that message?????

Another overcast day here in Northern Wisconsin, but I'm not complaining! All the precipitation we get is very much needed after such a dry spring!

I'm not sure what was going through Cassie's mind, but I grabbed the camera to catch a 'forever-image' of this outfit.
and YES, she is wearing shorts under that jacket :0)

Goal today: LAY THE TILE FLOOR! I have decided on layout #4; the streak of lightening of like-creams. DH hasn't objected, so....

Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Yahoo! I like layout #4 but didn't want to influence your decision :)
    Amazing how tiling is similar to quilting!

  2. Just a quick note---Father's Day is next week--The Sunday after the official "Friday Night Sew In" :-) Your floor is great!!

  3. My daughter has those boot things!

    Those photos will come in handy later! LOL!

    What is at this man mall?
