
Saturday, June 12, 2010

A new design...

Using a different form of material though...

...after lunch, I was motivated to start tackling my sewing room project in the basement. I'd LOVE to set a goal that by the end of June, the floors and walls will be installed and then by the end of July to have my room rip-roaring to to!

nothing like a blank canvas....

...with LOTS of materials at my control. All those boxes stacked on the right are ceremic tiles of different sizes and colors. When we built our house in 2004, my FIL came across a company that was emptying out their stock of old tile and they LITERALLY just dumped all this tile on top of the dumpster out back. So---my frugral FIL hauled it all home and donated the whole lot to us. We used a BIT of the tile in the entry way and bathroom, but other than that, not much of it was touched. BUT---perfect for the sewing room and for the basement bathroom once I get that far...

Ooooo........I'm loving this blue!!! But, I've reached my first snag. Just like quilting with scraps, designs need to evolve. I have run out of the blue, but I have LOADS of other tile yet to scrap together to use together with this blue.

DH arrived home at the right time to help me remove the last bookshelf and to give me a tip of leaving 4" on each styrofoam wall so he can frame up two studded walls. He's off again to another client, but left me his trusty chalk-line so I can snap some lines and continue along my design way :0)

Back tracking for a moment;
mid-morning, I headed outside to check out the garden.
These chickens are spoiled and very TRAINED! They come running the moment anyone heads up the garden, because it is right next to their chicken coop, with is directly where they feed bin is!

Okay----the VERDICT IS IN regarding the mini-green house (aka: cut-off milk jugs).

Here is a tomato plant that HAS BEEN covered

and here is one that HAS NOT been covered (I put the milk jug next to it just to get a comparison of size)

The proof is really in the pictures!!!!

Happy Saturday afternoon! Golly--only 2:00. LOTS of time to come up with a design....

4:05 update
A little more playing around, and we have layout #1...
...I wasn't really "feeling" the border here with the bone and gray tiles..... I love the blue, but there just isn't enough to use as the border....
and when I called DH downstairs, he concurred----"the gray's gotta go!!!"

...layout #2: how about all plain "bone" tile for the border?

ehh......both of us agreed again-----bleh!

So, then he left while I stood back and stared at the floor. GOLLY! This reminds me of many-a-times when I've stared at a quilt layout on the floor, wondering how to put blocks and borders together...

so...I grabbed another slighty-similar "tan/creamsicle" tile set we had and started playing....
Layout #3 is awaiting feedback from DH. What do you think?

I REALLLLLLY like the look of layout #2, but we just DO NOT have enough blue to have a single 12" cream block on the diagonal :0( I considered altering the two different cream tile sets with a diagonal of blue, but that would turn it into a checkerboard pattern, which DOES NOT sound appealing to me.

Hmmmpf...I guess I'll need to do what I often do when quilting........."walk away and come back to it with a new mindset."

Photo staring ephiphany
After posting, I admired the different photos of the layouts.....
I have another idea......rather than having both cream sets in each "streak of lightening" I think I'll try putting all the same set as one complete lightening streak, and then alter the next "streak of lightening" with the other cream set. I don't know if you can follow my thoughts, but at least I can----I'll try it out and get a picture out soon.

4:32 update
So here is layout #4---with all the streaks the same tile set, altering each set with each streak...
Yeah....I'll leave this for a bit and come back to it to see if I still like it later on...

Oh yeah, and as I was walking back upstairs this last time, I figured I'd snap a pic of the Dizzy - Step 2 progress I made sometime today---ummm.....before lunch, I think??? what??????

Is it really time to start thinking of dinner???

{{how much extra energy did the DOC say I should expect on Predisone??? Holy cow---I'm wired right now with only going on 4 hours of sleep!!! I'm STILL bracing myself for the big C-R-A-S-H yet though!!!!!}}


  1. loving that floor. It will make such a difference once that is done

  2. Great floor, but now you're just showing off with all that energy! You really make me look lazy! (Not that I really need help in that area)

  3. Ok, if you're asking....I like #4 the best.

  4. Quilting with tile -- I love it. The separate creams with each streak is my favorite so far. If you are trying to avoid checkerboard, I could also see concentric squares as a sort of bulls eye effect. (More like a medallion quilt than a bargello)
    I can't believe you are actually physically moving that tile around and around though -- that is crazy! You could do it on the computer or even on a piece of graph paper and not end up exhausted at the end. What did you decide on the drywall versus wood debate? You are going to have an awesome space when this is all done.

  5. I love the floor! That is going to be awesome!

    A micro fiber mop = All clean!!

  6. Love the last version of your floor! What I want to know though is how come your chickens can run free and nothing eats them. Here they would be picked off by dogs, birds and other roving critters.
