
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A full Wednesday planned! (with updates as things get checked off)

Okay...I want to have a partial "selfish-me" day today, but there are a few other things I simply MUST do before heading out of town to my sister's tomorrow...

{{in no particular order}}

1. Take Caitlyn to the dentist to pick up her "June No-Cavity drawing" prize! She and I both had NO CAVITIES at our last appointment! Yeahhhhhhhhh....... 1:04 pm - postponed until tomorrow as we head out of town.

2. Call insurance guy for DH 8:35 am - DONE

3. Pack girls 8:20 am - begun; 1:04 - almost done

4. Pay bills - 7:33 pm UGH! Okay--maybe tomorrow, cuz I just don't wanna do this anymore tonight!

5. Check over garden (okay---that probably won't happen until tonight! It was 57 when I got up this AM, but already warmed to 70...and I think it'll keep climbing today) - 5:00 pm - DONE!

6. Do dishes (maybe! -- I don't really care if these get done or not) - 6:30 pm - DONE!

7. Do up a few loads of laundry (okay---this will get done before packing the girls!) 8:20 - Started; 11:14 - last load in dryer;
1;04 - 4 complete loads; washed, dried, folded, and put in to piles for packing the girls (see # 3.) DONE DONE

8. Quilt Dizzy Plus - 11:14 - one more pass, I think...; DONE -- see post

9. Piece Judy's mystery top ??? Don't think so today

10. Piece backing for Seven Shirts ???Could be a possibility!

11. Piece A Scrappy Picnic blocks ??? Don't think so today, either

{{Okay, obviously I don't really know what I want to do when I get downstairs, but I'm sure I'll find something to keep me busy}}


  1. Love the quilt on the top of the blog! Have a great "busy" day!

  2. Sounds like a good plan. I hope you get it all done. Winona

  3. Your to do list makes me tired. Good luck getting it all done.

  4. You got lots done!! I'm off to try and fold laundry from last weekend now... Maybe it will get done! lol
