
Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Ol' Man is 39....and other things...

39 years of gracing this earth pictured here in all of his beauty ;0) With all due respect---A lil' salt-n-peppa startin' to show at those temples and speckling the beard....;0) But you can still give Brett Favre a run for his money :0) LUV YA HUN!

Mmmmmmmm........the first green bean pickins---not enough to warrant the process of canning. DH is eatin' em all up anyway. Come Sunday, we should have a good bunch ready for canning, though.


Just LOOOOOOK at this kitchen!!!!! DH snapped a shot of me last night when I canned another 4 quarts & 1 pint of dill pickles. Yikes----looks a bit cluttered, huh? Canning supplies cluttering up the floor on the right, bottles of booze on top of the fridge, cupboard doors open showcasing (?) our spices, counters full of clutter......GOSH! It's embarrassing to show! {{and hair is in braided pig tails}}

Once the canning was done last night, I made some more progress on the rug....

Very little quilting being done, but I did load a quilt of my MIL's on the frame yesterday and did a couple of paths before losing interest. I have four quilts that she wants me to quilt up, so I hope to get them done next week since I have NOTHING on my schedule. YEAHHHHHH :0)

Yup, yup: Two weeks OFF coming up and then....summer vacation is officially over because volleyball season begins. Yes, yes....I love it, I really do! For those of you somewhat newer to my blog----I kinda fell off the face of blogland last year August - October once vball season hit :0( Now that I have my first year of being HEAD coach behind me, I'm hoping life will be a bit better this year and I'll be poking in more often that last year :0) Some of you have inquired about my assistant coach issue. NOPE! Nothing yet, but it is what it is. Everything usually works out in the end and I'm sure this will be another one of those times.

Dinner is just hitting the table, so I'm off. DH is heading out tonight to my parent's house because he needs to work for his sister tomorrow. He'll be able to see the girls, too! I'm heading down tomorrow once camp is over and I get a few things done around the house. is GRAND at the Skattebo-Ranch :0) Hopefully things are super in your neck of the woods, too.


  1. The rug is looking good! And the picture of your kitchen... I really love the wood that is all over the place! That's all that I see! :)

  2. Hello to all the ladies who chit and chat with my wife.....Yessum this is DH of Amy.....She didn't remember my Birthday until I told her at 12:00......Well I'll still keep her.....I finished the "BED Room" in the basement, aka Quilting studio, and I don't think she has spent 3 hours in it......anyway...I have a 2.5 hour drive ahead of me So I need to go....Hope all is Well and Have a good weekend.....and yes scrappy, it's a bed

  3. I'm laughing at the comment left by DH. He doesn't think somebody is sleeping in the quilting studio, does he? Happy birthday. You all are just younguns. I'm staring the big 4 - 0 right in the eyes. Your kitchen looks like a kitchen -- one that gets used. Isn't that all how they look between rounds of cleaning? Love the pig tails though -- so cute! You'd better get in some quilting while you can. Volleyball is going to be here soon.

  4. I like your kitchen - open cabinets and all. So when will you send the old man this way so he and my old man can make my basement pretty. You and I can quilt. ( Cuz I don't can things - we eat them TOO fast)

  5. Those 39 beans look absolutely lovely!!!!

    Oh! you mean hubby... he looks perty darn good too.

    Birthday hugs!

  6. I love DH's comment. Your kitchen is just as it should be, well used and loved.

  7. You'd better watch out for Nancy(Patchwork Penguin)!! I think she's after your man!!
    That could easily be my kitchen, except for the booze!... even when I'm not canning or cooking :0
