
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

80's flashback

Homecoming 2010; "Decade Day" today allowed me to revisit the times of jean jackets, rolled pants, and big hair!! Admittingly so, I miss this hair style :0) But the kiddos sure had a good giggle today! Quite an extreme from my normal pony-tail!

This is my first breathing moment to try to catch up with my bloggin' buds; the Team continues to struggle and it's not easy taking loss after loss. I really don't know who's having a harder time though----me, or the girls.

Happy Wednesday


  1. Now that is a hairdo! You just need some tears in the knees of those jeans and a bare shoulder peeking out. Amazing how silly it all seems in hindsight. I wonder what we'll think of how we look now when 20 more years have passed?
    Homecoming week is such a riot. Sorry to hear that the team isn't doing well. Winning is so much more fun.

  2. I should have made a trip down the junior high hall today! I did see Shannon--I would have liked to have a picture of the two of you together!

  3. Wow, what a lot of hair! I've no idea what homecoming week is, but if dressing up is part of the deal then it sounds like fun. What a shame that your team is struggling, it's hard on all of you.

  4. I didn't realize your hair was so long. You look very nice in an 80's sort of fashion. Hope your team does better and is learning from the struggles.
