
Saturday, September 18, 2010

and breathe - 2 - 3 - 4....

holy it REALLY Saturday already???!?!!?!?

Away game Tuesday
Away game Thursday
hosted a home Volleyball tournament all day today.....

I feel very out-of-touch with all of you; I haven't checked blogs in AGES (since last Sunday.....yeah.....that's AGES for me!!!)

I WILL be a good lil' math teacher right now and log out ASAP and park myself in front of my Statistics book for the next set of hours to plan/prep for this next week of class----ONLY so that I may actually find some time in my day tomorrow to park myself in front of my sewing machine for at least an hour.....(I hope????)

Will catch up on blogs later tonight OR bright-n-early tomorrow......

psht.....ummm.....rethinking that statement! MAYBE not so bright-n-early tomorrow ;0)

Happy Saturday and happy sewing for those of you who have the luxury :0)


  1. Seasons are nice 'cause we can enjoy them while they last and then move on to something new. Gardening season is done, when volleyball ends you can have sewing season again.

  2. Here's hoping there is plenty of sewing and blog reading tomorrow! Hope you guys are winning those games!

  3. I know the feeling---it's scary looking at your blog list to see over 100 new posts....take care of yourself, this season will pass and we will all still be blogging :)

  4. Too much work..not enough fun time, eh :(
    Hope you don't get too run down.

  5. The beginning and ending of each school year is always chaotic. My sister is a teacher and she usually gets sick too - this year was no exception.

  6. If you figure out how to get more time in a day - you could write a book and retire on the profits LOL. We will be here. Enjoy your volleyball and the girls! I would tell you to enjoy the statistics - but that is stretching it right?
