
Sunday, September 26, 2010

First Frost 2010

The sun has already been up for a few hours, but signs of the first frost are still hiding in the shadows. DH said the temp at 6:30 was 30 degrees.

A slight haze hanging in the air, and not too easy to see the trees in the background.....

..but the reds, oranges, and yellows are nearing their peak color around these parts. Over the next 2-3 weeks, they will reach and surpass their peak, which only means winter is getting closer and closer.

Despite the temps this morning, the forecast for the week isn't a typical northern Wiscsonsin forecast for the end of September. 70's everyday and clear; so it's going to be absolutely GORGEOUS!

My plans for the day: prep for Statistics
DH's plans for the day: gather the last of the tomatoes that survived the frost; check potato plants for harvest; can whatever needs to be canned.

Linda canned spaghetti sauce, but we've gone the "lazy" way this year and simply cannd the tomato puree. We will make the sauce "fresh" as the year goes on. DH also picked a couple pails of apples last week with the girls and took care of making applesauce and the by-product of apple juice. YUM! Throw in a stick of cinnimon, warm it for a few seconds in the microwave.....mmmmmmm. I am SO thankful DH takes over with the gardening/harvesting during volleyball season!

Okay...time to get to my Statistics. I am actually quite motivated to get downstairs today after catching up on a few blogs this AM.

And the quilt was a hit---of course! ;0)

Happy Football Sunday!


  1. What gorgeous views you enjoy!
    How fabulous that your DH helps out with the canning when you're busy...he's a keeper!

  2. We haven't had frost yet, but the nights are getting pretty chilly and there's a heavy dew in the mornings, so it won't be long. But like you, the mornings and early afternoons are wonderful at the moment, warm and sunny and we can still sit outside when the sun shines. It sounds as if you've had a pretty good harvest this year, and it's lucky that your DH is so handy with the preserving. Have a good week.

  3. I'm dreaming of cooler temperatures! It sounds wonderful.

  4. So maybe lazy isn't the first thing that pops into my head when I hear that you are canning. The fall colors look so refreshing, makes me wish we could get just a bit of coolness down here. Have fun with the stats. No quilt being given photos?

  5. Frost already??? How far north are you? None here yet.... and I'm hearing different points of view about the winter we are supposed to get... so I'll just wait until it gets here.


  6. Gorgeous pics!! I could look at that every morning ;-) Enjoy your stats.
