
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sea Glass quilted

Two hours last night and four hours this morning; Sea Glass gets finished in plenty of time for the late afternoon party.

I chose the Chinese Crescents pantograph pattern again; I wanted something simple and FAST, so this fit the bill.

I did have some issues with my MIL's borders; she is a "sew-n-snip" border person rather than a "measure-from-the-middle-n-cut-then-pin-to-the-sides" person. I ended up tucking two spots and sewing along the tuck to make it look like a diagonal seam. If you didn't know better, I think they ended up being hidden and fixed quite well. I didn't get a close up of the fix. I DO like the fabrics my MIL used for this quilt, though! FUN and BRIGHT!

I was even able to get a few hours of paper grading before we needed to head out for the party. So, tomorrow, I simply have Statistics to prep for. I won't promise anything, but maaaaaaybe I'll be able to have some time for "me" downstairs.

Happy Saturday.


  1. It's a beautiful quilt with beautiful colors. Glad it went quickly for you even with a little glitch.

  2. What pretty colors. It must be fun to quilt other peoples work and see all the fun patterns and fabrics that you've never used yourself. Even if it is a tad too big, I do love that border. Glad you got it done in plenty of time. Hope it is a good party and that the quilt is a hit.

  3. Beautiful quilt! Amazing that you finished it in time for the party! And I'm impressed by how you figured out the border bunching problem...I hope I remember your solution if I ever have that issue.

  4. Love that quilt! THe colors are awesome! Great quilting, too! :)
