
Sunday, January 2, 2011

First Stash Report 2011: Jan 1 - 2

My first report of the year, and it's all good
(DUH! As if I've had a lot of time to actually go out and BUY anything!....oh...but....well....I guess I could have bought something online with all these "END OF THE YEAR" sales being literally thrown my way via email after email???) 
But ...nah! I've been good.

{{mind you, this report only consists of two days since I didn't start counting until Jan 1}}

Used/week: 3.75 yds
Purch/week: 0.00 yds

Used/year: 3.75 yds
Purch/year: 0.0 yds

Net Used: 3.75 yds

Projects started this week: None
Projects completed this week: None

Projects that saw time this week: 

Serenity (left)

In Flight (right)

Current Leader/Ender project: Blue Ridge Beauty

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