
Saturday, August 20, 2011

6:32 AM----do I realllllly have to run?

I can do it
I can do it
I can do it

**struggling to find motivation**

But I DID run - 9 miles; details to come later after done with picking beans, cutting beans, canning beans........and repeat with cucumbers? and maybe some quilting?


  1. Congratulations if you managed to find the motivation to run! If not, well, it's summer vacation isn't it?

  2. Get out there and do it while it is cooolllll outside! Because it will be HOT shortly!!!!! Fall is right around the corner, I can smell it.

  3. My hat is so off to you! So far today I have played on facebook and am working on my first cup of coffee...maybe I will plan on riding my bike thanks for the motivation!
