
Friday, August 19, 2011

Smith Mountain Morning time!

After dinner this evening, I meandered outside to watch the girls play, and I headed over to the playset for a little bit of swinging myself.

It hit me that I hadn't checked the mailbox yet today.......

The Smith Mountain Morning fabrics arrived from the swap!!!!!

And look Andee!!! I received some of your 1.5" sets and HSTs!!!! :0)

I even received one of your 4" sets. Wahoo!

Working with the "new" fabrics was a perfect way to spend my evening after allowing myself to "be okay" with backing out of my plans to attend the home-opener Football game tonight. :\

Outcome after two hours: All 48 blue/white and all 64 brown/white 3.5" HSTs pieced, pressed and de-dog-eared.

After closing shop, I headed upstairs to be a witness to THIS. Paul was playing surgeon to Caitlyn, attempting to remove a sliver. Caitlyn may look tormented here....but she was great! No crying...and actually laughing at times.

My plans now: sit back n relax. I have plans to awake at 6 AM tomorrow to have some coffee/oatmeal before heading into town by 7:00 for an 11 mile training run. I'll head around the lake -- Shell Lake....which is only 'bout 9 miles around the perimeter road, so I'll need to head out along the snowmobile trail once the lake run is completed. I'm getting out of picking beans, too :0) Tee-heeee. Paul has been asked to handle the picking; I'll take care of the canning.


  1. I am SO jealous you are sewing and not prepping for classes *yet*! I am hoping I can reward myself for all this hard work tomorrow and sew...seriously I am sure you can guess what all I have to do now that I am teaching three different sections instead of one, yikes! SMM is looking good!

  2. What fun. Working with new fabrics can be great inspiration. Hope your 11 mile run is going great. What are you training for at the moment?

  3. That is a hilarous way to get out a sliver!!!
