
Friday, August 12, 2011

More packages (delayed) and a run

A couple of weeks ago, Natalie (Piece-n-quilt) posted some scrap boxes she was selling. For WHATEVER reason....I liked the look of the fabrics AND the idea of having more fabrics.......

It arrived two weeks ago (I think?)...but just haven't gotten to unpacking it yet. that a sign of TOO MUCH fabric? Or a sign of a busy life?? ;0)

A good amount of yardage was included; I'll have to determine how much when I find the motivation later on. Some magazines.....a couple of Moda nickles (solids); some FQs. All-in-all, I'm pleased with the box of unknown "scraps". :0)

Some ACTUAL scraps were thrown in too; some good sized light scraps.

Also, a couple of weeks ago, Julie Me-n-My Stitches was requesting some of the lighter QOV fabric that I purchased and blogged about here. So, rather than sending $$, she was open to the idea of swapping fabric-for-fabric. Here are the two YUMMY FQs she sent me; civil war repros :0)

Paul just arrived home, early from work, already done with what needed to be finished off today. He is outside tinkering with the boat. Cassie is finishing up the dishes (she's new to washing dishes, so it's a honeymoon period!!! We'll milk it out for what it's worth!). Caitlyn and Candace are feeding the chickens. I'm working on laundry. **shrug** Pretty normal, huh?

We will be heading out to the farm later on; we don't really have a schedule "must-leave" time. Bethann is already up there with FIL & MIL; she's heading over to the race registration booth today to pick up our race-packets for tomorrow AM. The race (Hurley, WI) is about an hour from the farm, which resides in Ashland, WI. It'll be an early morning for sure! Up around 5:15; heading out around 6:00 in order to arrive at start by 7:00; race starts at 7:30. Bethann is running the first half (remember-----HILLS!!!!) :]

Here is the elevation map I had posted about back in 2008 when I ran with Julie. The yellow highlights are when aid stations are planned. Bethann has the first 13......gah! I REMEMBER that MONSTER starting at mile 6 and lasting till just after 9. She hasn't seen the map (yet); she's trying not to get panicked about the whole thing!!! ;0) Ah......she'll be fine! I simply keep telling her that she'll live and hang in there for mile 12. Almost allllllll downhill before coming into the hand-off area. :0) I figure I'll be starting my part around 9:45ish (give or take 15 minutes), so by noon-12:30, I should be finishing up. I haven't really paid attention to the forecast for up is what it is!

I ran my final 5 miles last night at what I anticipate to be my "race pace." I ended up averaging 10:35, so......**shrug**.....we'll see. I'm hoping to stay around 11:00's as the average, which would bring me to the finish at 2hr 24min. Anyway......

what to do...what to do. Quilt? Load a quilt to the frame? yeah.....that worked well last time! That might have to be the ticket!!!!


  1. Good luck and have fun! Let us know how you do.

  2. I saw when Natalie posted on the boxes. It does look like you got some pretty good fabric in there.

    Good luck on the race! I pray you and your sister both finish it safely.

  3. Best of luck on your marathon. I think a half is my favorite distance, long enough to be intimidating, but not so long that you aren't sure you can finish.
    Pretty fabric finds. So sad that you were about to run out until the new supply came in:)
