
Friday, March 9, 2012

A new record.....

But not one to be proud of or happy about.

It's officially Day #69 of 2012, and I have YET to have a quilty finish :/
I would love to change that this weekend, but I DARE NOT say I will, because lately.......gah.....
life just has had different priorities, and I'm not too happy about having needed to rearrange my priority list :(

One thing is for sure: I AM HOME THIS WEEKEND and am looking forward to it!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sometimes life gets in the way, but usually not for too long, well wait..........It did get in my way for 8 years before I got it all under control and the girls were graduated from high school. I hope it doesn't get in your way for 8 years like it did me.

  2. Here's hoping that "life" allows you to get to your quilting this weekend!

  3. I understand where you're coming from. Compared to the last several years, I'm not getting much accomplished either. Hopefully you find the time soon to work on something - that is if you feel like it. It's important to remember quilting is a hobby and not a job!

  4. Well....know that you are missed! I hope things chill and fall into order so you can sew to your heart's content!

  5. It sounds as if you have a weekend ahead when you can just relax and enjoy yourself, whatever you decide to do. A full time job and three growing children can make a lot of demands, so I hope you manage to find some time for yourself this weekend.
