
Sunday, June 3, 2012

2012 Running (Virtual Trip)

Call me crazy (I kinda think I am with my newest goal/challenge/motivational idea!)

A big THANKS going out to Amy (Infinity Quilter) for the idea of running a Virtual Vacation Trip.

Months ago, she posted about running and tracking the mileage on a virtual map.....and she chose ME as her first visitor! She has long since made it to my house virtually, so, it's time to return the favor!!!  I don't have her exact address, but it's near the Sheboygan, WI area, so....for now, that's my plan.
320 miles. Psht! I can do that in one year, right?!?!?!?!!? 

Truth be known...... my ULTIMATE ULTIMATE vacation virtual spot is .....
 It's only 1570 miles away!!!!!!  8-)

Um.....I think I'm going to include BIKE mileage to my Virtual maps too! 

SO, to catch myself up....

At this point in 2012, I have run 27.9 miles (I STARTED doing so well in March, but then began allowing too many excuses to keep me off the pavement).

Hmmmm..... if I realllly hope to make it alllll the way to Florida, I don't think running and biking alone will get me there in one year. SO.....I'm adding another "rule" to this Virtual Vacation....

Rule Addend #1:  For every 15 minutes of exercise (I won't count gardening), I earn another mile!
That's fair, right???
SO, today's ball-time with Cassie will earn me at least one mile (I didn't work all that hard)....

Plus she and I biked 4 miles today..... (I think I'm going to forget to log some miles/points from time to time)

So that brings me up to 32.9 miles

Oh boy!  I think I need to kick it in gear if I hope to make it anywhere special :)


  1. Now that sounds like a fun challenge. I could sure use some motivation. I wonder how long it would take for me to get there?

  2. I need to get Christopher motivated to start running again as he's planning to run the London Marathon next year to celebrate his 60th birthday and he's done hardly any running since we moved here three years ago. Sadly he's hopeless with computers so your virtual running idea won't work. Perhaps I should get a pedometer and start walking - it may take some time to get all the way to your house though.

  3. I have been doing a virtual run across America. I started on the East coast almost 2 years ago. I am currently in the state of Colorado. I should finish by the end of 2013.
    Linda in Southern Illinois

  4. I'll be waiting for your "visit". I have about 80 miles to go until I reach Walnut Grove!!! I went 8.3 miles on Saturday for the heck of it! Never would have thought that would happen 3 years ago.

    And guess what....I'm ***thinking*** about signing up for a half this fall (hopefully after allergy season is over). I just have to figure out what dates I'm available.

  5. I need to start getting on my elliptical or walking the dogs.... Good luck on your virtual trips! :)
