
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Baby steps

After a few hours outside in the garden this morning, I finally decided to grab the camera and take inventory of my status downstairs in my sewing area since it has been SO LONG since I've really spent any time down there.

Waiting on the floor is my 36-patch...

...and this RWB string quilt.

My NYE mystery is about 75% done, waiting on the frame...

The design wall holding odds-n-ends of some 2012 Rainbow string blocks and my scrappy blocks...

The cutting board shows where I left off with the 2012 Rainbow Scrap challenge back in early May... (WOW!  It's really been a LONG time!)

My leader-ender area ... still working through the blues/whites for Jamestown Landing...

And some sashing strips for my parent's BearPaw quilt awaiting pressing on the ironing board.

That's all she wrote though.  I just wanted to snap some pictures and get a feel of what I want to work on first once I finally get hit with the quilting bug again (most likely tomorrow morning after my morning coffee).

After some lunch, the rest of my day was outside.....
.....more gardening.....
.....playing ball with Cassie....
.....practicing pitching....
.....riding bike......

Happy Sunday!


  1. It looks as if you have plenty to keep you going over the summer. Or do you have plans to start something else!!

  2. I can't wait til you start sewing again! Lol
