
Wednesday, July 25, 2012


One of those days today....
I don't think it necessarily started out that way, but is sure ended that way.

I finished sewing the Tetris week #2 blocks and turned them into a placemat.

I started prepping another Midget block

Then I needed to pick up Cassie from Volleyball camp.  From there, it kinda went kaphoey.

While picking up Cassie, I realized the "insurance person" was at school answering questions and meeting with people.  I realize our School Board has some tough decisions to make due to budget concerns {{Still wondering how lovely Scott Walker is so amazing for our State :| }}... and I wasn't really mentally prepared today for some impromptu insurance questions and concerns.  Short story:  there are two options the Board is offering us;  one seems incredibly STUPID as an option ($6000 deductible) while the other doesn't ($200 deductible), but the Board is offering some incentives for signing up for the higher deductible plan ((clearly it would save the District money in premiums costs))
So, much of the early afternoon consisted of looking over medical bills from the past two years to see how much money it WOULD have cost us had we had the higher deductible insurance plan.....
yada-yada-yada.  Not to go too much in detail there.....

And then it was some shortened-what-could-have-been-lengthy phone conversations with some coworkers who had a stronger working-knowledge of the two plans.....

and then some lengthy discussion with Paul...

and then Paul hits me with the $$ of his upgraded phone.  !?!?!??  Ummm...... what happened to just having a "simple" Text&Talk plan??? 

So anyway...yeah.....that's still kinda where I'm at.  Just too much $$ decision making at the same time.  
At one point, I was going a bit stir-crazy.....was NOT in the mood to sew....NOT in the mood to research phones and plans on the Internet I paced a bit up on the deck....

...and then headed to the garden to pick beans.  


and now I don't have to pick them in the morning.

So dinner time.....What's for dinner?  Gah!!!!!!
I'm grabbing my car keys and we're going out.  SO not in the mood to cook.

Blah!  I'm trying to work out this mood.... I haven't felt this way since school let out for the summer.


  1. The whole reelection thing really surprised me, but it didn't bode well for any of us union workers. In our district, we've been without raises for 5 years while paying lots more for much less healthcare and taking a 3% mandatory pay cut for retirement contributions. I try not to think about it on a daily basis, it just makes me too frustrated. It doesn't seem like insurance does much good with a deductible that high, doesn't sound like they are making it easy on you though. Maybe a nice glass of wine with dinner would help?

  2. I was one of the committee that met with the reps from the insurance. I may be able to help with some questions. There are five of us who have to take a different policy because our specialists are out of network...Big BUCKS! The advantage to the higher deductible is that you pay no premiums..the board is adding $1500 to your deductible bringing it down to $4500.

  3. I'm sorry your day went south. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.


  4. I hate days where bills/money/the economy takes over my life! It is one thing if you are prepared for it and can check it off your "to do" list and feel a sense of accomplishment; it is another when you are forced into making important decisions on a deadline with not enough time to think about the problem. Sorry it took over your day--for you and for us out here in blogland who were hoping for some more "quilty action"! Know that we are all commiserating with you...

  5. I am soooo understanding your frustration. Teachers are continually facing huge cuts to their benefits, and then they are dragged through the media as the bad guys who are causing the states to go broke. I'm a retired teacher in Illinois. We are also facing these same issues. I wonder why anyone would become a teacher now, which is certainly not good for the future of our country.

  6. Unexpected money issues can leave you feeling a bit sick and panicky I find, so hope you can resolve them soon. It seems that everyone is trying to save money at the moment. We have private health insurance through Christopher's work, which is supposed to help us get health issues sorted out more quickly than the NHS. But I need a shoulder operation which they're declining to pay for at the moment, so that's a battle we're fighting whilst I am in more and more pain. I might have had to wait longer with the NHS but possibly not.

  7. I used to have a copy of that little guy on a plack in my office. Every once in a while he was prominently displayed on my desk and EVERYONE stayed away from me if they could. And I, too, completely understand your frustration.
