
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Laundry detergent - test case

While sorting through the girls' clothes from the hamper this morning, I found THIS!...
And knowing that a few of us (myself included) really wanted to know what Elaine's Homemade Laundry detergent recipe could do, I determined this to be an EXCELLENT test case!
What a MESS!!!!  Set in dirt....berry juice....ugh.  Yup---a GREAT test-trial case.

No part of the shirt was pre-treated since it was buried in the hamper, however I gave the tougher-looking stains a spray of Shout before throwing it into the washer.  This shirt was included in my 'bleachable-whites' load....and of course, the homemade detergent.

The outcome.....
MOST of it came out and turned out white again.  And honest-to-goodness truth-be-known.... that one lower stain probably wouldn't have come out with commercial-brand detergents either.  Is that oil?????    What on earth did she get into????

So, it was not put in the dryer yet.  I sprayed those stains once more with Shout stain-remover and will let it sit and soak in a bit before it gets washed again.

Overall.... I'm pretty pleased with how clean it got.  That was one dirty shirt!


  1. Looks pretty good! I have had good results using liquid dish soap as a spot pre-treatment for greasy food stains.

  2. Pretty impressive if you ask me!

  3. Hi Amy,

    My aunt introduced me to oxy-clean powder years ago, and it's my go-to when nothing else will work - such as the cuffs of my husband's dress khakis, or those funny stains that just show up on his polo shirts and don't come out in the regular wash. Maybe it's grease? I just put the garment in a bucket of hot water, add a half-scoop of the powder and let it soak. Sometimes overnight is the trick or even a few days.

  4. Not bad, a friend of mine gave me some of the homemade washing soap that she made and it was great. She got the recipe or directions I should say from Pinterest and she uses it all the time. It worked just as well as the name brand I buy so I might be making me some too.

  5. Maybe I need to go to Walmart to search for the ingredients. My niece told me she has started making hers and she has 8 children and lives in Iowa. They have really dark dirt there, not sandy dirt like here in Florida, so I figure she has given it a pretty good test, too.
