
Sunday, July 1, 2012

BOM quilt done - "Freedom"

"Freedom" (58" x 84")

Once I finally just said......."Let go and get it done!" I was able to finish up the quilting on this long awaited BOM from 2010.

It took much of the afternoon, because everytime I came to a new block, I stopped and thought (way too long) about how I wanted it quilted.  I will let the pictures do the talking...

(This one is my favorite.  Those filler spirals are simple and could get quite addicting.)

So that's it.  It's done.  
And as many of us say from time to time:  
Done is better than perfect!

I figured I'd show all of you one of my FAVORITE tools when it comes to trimming quilt edges once quilting is complete;  it's my electric scissors that my mother-in-law gifted me sometime in the last couple of years.  SLICK-n-quick!!!!


  1. Congratulations! A great quilting day!
    I've never heard of electric scissors...very cool!

  2. Would you believe..actually pulled out my blocks from your BOM and started arranging them to see how I wanted to put it together! I love the way you are quilting it.

  3. Congratulations! Great quilting on this one. Isn't it way fun to just draw on the quilt with thread? So relaxing.

  4. Congratulations! I'm still intimidated by FMQ on my frame. I put a quilt on there planning to try some, but ended up doing another pantograph on it instead. Your quilting turned out great on it; you should be so proud for doing it. You sure are getting a lot of quilting done since school let out!

  5. I recognize these blocks. Way to go..looks great!

  6. Wow, you've had such awesome finishes. I did half of your blocks and still plan to do the other half of them to make another quilt. Yours makes me want to get started.

  7. I love the setting!!! You definitely have your mojo back :o)

  8. You did a great job on the quilting - I think you should let go more often!
