
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I've become "one of those" quilters...

Brief history lesson on Amy:
2000 - started considering the idea of quilting and made my first quilt.  I was 25 years old.
2000-2007: continued learning some quilting fundamentals - NEVER took a class, just all self-taught
2007 - inherited Grandmother's/Aunt's quilting supplies (including fabric) - I mark this the beginning of reallllly becoming obsessed in quilting as my "life outside of teaching"
2008 - January:  turned a room downstairs into "MY" sewing room - Once I had my own space... quilting took on a whole new life and obsession.  Always set up, always ready to go.  I was born again.
2008 - April;  created this blog.  I was turning 33 this year.
2010 - April: Purchased Juki98 and Grace GMQ-PRO quilting frame

Okay.....during my early years of blogging and really allowing myself to become a quilter (2007-2008), I would often see ladies posting "orphan block" creations.

And honestly, I thought...."What?  Orphan blocks?  How on earth do you get to have Orphan blocks?  Don't you just make what the pattern calls for?  I don't get it.... :\"

Then...the more independent I became with quilting and designing and trying out new things (and cutting TOO many "Bonnie units" for one of her mysteries or another...) :D


I spent the morning at school; a post to come on that later
I started a quick little Quilts for Kids project that arrived yesterday;  a post to come on that later

But just now.... I'm trying to "find myself."  Hard to explain, but transitioning back to school is already changing my mental outlook on priorities, and I can already feel the "anxiety" of being able to find that balance of schedule that happens every year around this time.

So...when I got home from my morning of school (ALL RELAXING too!!)... and grabbed a bit to eat... and headed downstairs....  Nothing called to me.  Didn't feel like making more Flying Geese units for Hawaii Sunset; didn't feel like finishing up the Quilts for Kids project, didn't feel like piecing Framed Rectangles into rows.  Actually....I think that it's..... I didn't feel like SEWING!  I'm antsy right now... I have no interest in sitting sitting sitting and pushing fabric through a machine.

Instead.... I saw my growing stack of "orphans"... and I started laying it all out.

Ummmm.....WOW!  This is my 5th year of "true quilting obsession".... and...WOW!  Where did all of these come from?
What a ride!!!!!
* My 2010 BOM attempts, but I didn't like the background fabric, so onto the pile they went...
* Extra blocks from Candace's Stars:  no idea how/why I have extra, but I know I could look back at these posts and jog my memory
* Extra blocks from Bonnie's Carolina Christmas mystery:  all of my posts on that quilt
* those blue/yellow or blue/light blocks??  Where/When are those even from????  Must not have liked them....onto the pile they go!
* extra Fun with Bricks units - 2008
* extra Wafer Cookie units - 2009 to PRESENT!  Yes...hanging head.  STILL not quilted!
* left over Cathy's Auny Sukey units - 2008
* an attempt of an applique rose for Now-n-Forever - a quilt that never happened; but instead turned into Candy Dish - 2010
* a new addition:  a midget that didn't turn out - 2012

On and On the years are recorded in these blocks.  
So, I have reached a mile-stone.  I am a quilter.  I have orphans.  And I want these orphans to be turned into something for me.  

And so now.... I simply am going to post this.... sit back and look at the picture... and see what amazing images come to mind on how to accomplish turning these seemingly unrelated units/blocks/scraps and interconnect them to a 2007-2012 melody.


  1. Have you thought about place mats and potholders? Seriously though, it looks like there are enough of those RWB sampler blocks to make a quilt. A 3 by 4 setting of 12 inch blocks makes a perfect snuggle quilt. Do you have extra fabric to whip up some quick Irish chain blocks? That is how I set mine and I LOVED them. The purple blocks number 16 and that should be enough for a quilt 4 kids, right? Do the colors of the fan blade blocks blend well enough with the extras from the star quilt? As for the two patches, maybe they could turn into units for 4 patches and go into a leader and ender bin? There seem to be several dark stars, do they want to be together? What a fun problem to have. Piles of possibilities - a puzzle with no wrong answer. Have fun - play laugh, forget that school starts soon.

  2. WOW! I am glad you are going to put these orphans to use! I recognize alot of that stuff...can't wait to see what you come up with!

  3. Amazing..... I think they should all go together... what a cool memory!

  4. I've heard of people dumping all of their orphan blocks into a 'kitchen sink' quilt where anything and everything goes. In fact, another quilter put out a call for orphan blocks last year to do just that and I sent her some of mine. I still have a tub filled with more though. I always like to make an extra block or two when I make a quilt, although I try to incorporate them in the label or the backing somehow. Good luck deciding what to do with yours!

  5. You forgot to add teaching a quilting class on your timeline. It was through your class that I found my "passion" for quilting. Thank you!

  6. And you forgot to add in your BOM. I've got several blocks from that which I made into tote bags. I'll be interested to see how your orphan block quilt turns out. I just can't seem to get motivated by tiny scraps or orphan blocks

  7. Sounds like you have something in there to join in "The GREAT Summer Orphan Block Challenge!". I just read about in on Joan Ford's blog What do you think?

    I enjoy reading your blog, keep up the good work. Vicki C

  8. Wow, they look great all together, don't they? I just pooled mine together this August, and they are co-habitating in a box for a bit, kinda a block box orphanage, lol

  9. I think I see a masterpiece in your future. A fitting way to celebrate being obsessed with the trappings to prove it. I'm obsessed too, but my orphans are not nearly as attractive as yours.

  10. I read this on my phone and was giggling... people were staring....

    Make a quilt - just like the way you have them layed out!!

  11. Ha,ha, loved this post. Yes, I have orphans and am planning a Kitchen sink quilt one of these days. I've had blocks given to me, I've made extra blocks and I think they just multiply once they are together too....anyway, I'll be doing something with my orphans this next year too. I have a friend that makes orphan quilts. She has made several and gives them to various organizations. They have all turned out really great. Right now, she's working on one for her Pastor. She puts the blocks up on her design wall and builds the quilt from there. Some of these look like Medallian quilts. Some just look like a jumble of blocks but they have all been very cute.

  12. Welcome to that AGE!!
    I take my extra blocks and use them on the back nowdays or else I sew a few together add a couple border and make doll quilts for an area guild. Good luck on figuring out what to do with them!
