
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Late night & Early morning sewing

Hm.  10:00 PM + Cup-of-coffee = late night sewing for Amy!

Around 10:30 PM, I told Paul I was heading downstairs.  He took a double-take and asked me what I had said.... LOL
Nothing too ambitious planned for that time of night;  just some putzing and cleaning up.  I had loads of twosies sitting next to the machine that had been pieced and stored in my 1.5" scrap box, so I pieced them into 4-patches----maybe destined for Linda's block-help I posted on a few weeks back?/....

Then I spied this!!!!   THIS has been sitting in my sewing room since before Cassie was born!  Over 11 years!  Could that be right??!?!?  Hmmm.....nope, don't think so.  I wasn't big into quilting yet before Cass.  So, maybe it was before Caitlyn's birth??  Anyway, it was gifted to me by my mother.... :}  
I suppose someday I need to make it up!

The back calls for a simple 9-patch,!  Kinda boring?  My plan (someday?) will probably be to turn it into a Disappearing 9-patch :)

Hmm..hmmm.hmmmm.....11:00 PM...what to do?????
String blocks---easy enough. strung away....

and I looked up at the clock "a little bit later" thinking it MAY be nearing 11:30-ish......
HA!  It was 12:40 AM!!!!!
So, after bidding goodnight to Andee via FB, I hit the hay.
And I'm back up at it again.....more strings; border of Jamestown Landing in the works.

Later today----"handwork" in the form of paper removal.
Happy Sunday.


  1. Girl, you've got it bad! I've been creating too, could it be the demands that will be put upon us in the next few weeks, and knowing how hard it will be to catch any creative sewing time...yep!

  2. So funny that we were both up and into the night sewing away. Jamestown Landing is next on my list too. I finally have the book in and know how many of everything to make. Love the border. Get it all in while you can -- it is so much easier to sew without work pulling you away.

  3. Good for you! Enjoy it, you'll be starting back soon and too tired to do this too often. Have fun!

  4. Way to be productive! I love those strings!
