
Saturday, August 4, 2012

North Dakota - wedding bound

We hit the road at 7:30 AM {{just a bit later than what we had wanted, but aren't there ALWAYS some delays that hold up a trip??}} :-)

We came prepared!!!!  iPad, iPod (2), laptops (2) for movies, Kindle, smartphone, Nintendo DSs (3)..... we weren't hurting TOO much to keep everyone occupied.
I debated internally whether I wanted to divulge everything technology related that we packed to keep everyone happy with something for the 10-hour trip, and in the end, if anyone wants to judge me, so be it.  10 hours is a LONG time, driving through plain landscapes!

And despite all the technology, Cassie eventually pulled out her book :) 

Paul drove the ENTIRE way!  LOL.  My car is DEFINITELY not build for his 6'6" frame!  
He keeps threatening me that I'm driving the whole way back on Sunday

We ran into Julie's family yesterday just as we were checking into the hotel. They had just finished the rehearsal and were heading to the hotel's dining room for dinner.  It was exciting for the girls to see them all!  Shortly after arriving and getting settled, we were back on the road to hit a local grocery store to stock up on some 'hotel-friendly' meals (poptarts, cereal, milk, popcorn, bread, sandwich meat).  With a growing family of 5, we didn't want to depend on only restaurants for our weekend excursion; specially when the hotel is equipped with a fridge and microwave. 

So, with food in tummies--what else is there to do at a hotel??????

So, this morning has been very relaxing!  I've caught up on ALLLLL emails from the past month!  So if your box was loaded with emails from me, now you know why :)  My inbox went from 221 to 8!!!!  Whew---what a task.

We are sitting poolside again right now, just enjoying a very QUIET morning (as compared to last night---the pool was packed full!!!!--and now it belongs solely to the girls).  Our schedule today is quite carefree;  the wedding doesn't start until 1:30, so literally......we are filling it with some great downtime.
Water is a bit colder this morning, huh Cass?

Happy Saturday!


  1. A friend of mine is 6'8" and drives a little pick-up truck... I still can't figure out how he gets in and out of it, let alone drive it.

    Have fun and enjoy the time away from home!

  2. Technology is a great crutch to have on long cartrips. I also buy my kids junk food. Soda and candy they wouldn't normally be allowed to have. They look forward to long car trips now. Seeing Paul's big giant legs next to the steering wheel made me laugh out loud! Enjoy the wedding.

  3. When we travel we have all the electronic gadgets too, including an inverter so we can keep everything charged. My dad went with us once, jeeping in the middle of the woods, and asked us what all the wires were for.....when I showed him, he was amazed! IN the middle of the woods, in the middle of the mud and forest, and we were all hooked up, kinda like a mini office on wheels without a desk. Told hubby he needs to build a little stowaway tray for the laptop to attach to, that can slide half under the dash or something.

    But when we are on long stretches of road, I too like to pull out my books. I usually use that time to catch up on my magazine ready, and pull out what I want to save and ditch them at the gas stations. Helps keep my desk at home cleared off.

    I laughed out loud when I seen the pic of your husband driving the car. Looks like he is driving a mini cooper or something. Doesn't look comfy.

    Glad to hear you are all having a great trip and enjoying the pool to yourselves too.

  4. I am going to judge - as we didn't pack the i pods, computers, Nintendo, or anything with us.... stand back!!! My nose is growing!!! ( tee hee) You do what works and you have an enjoyable time!! Hugs!!
