
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Some purdy sights...

Laundry well underway, and the clothesline getting its first use of 2013!
I LOVE summer weather, don't you!?!?!?!? And what a pretty picture of some freshly washed quilts! 

HUSH from those of you who have been in the heat of summer for a month+ already.  
For those of us in Wisconsin and other northern states, this is only about the 6th day of "nice" weather we've had since winter finally decided to leave us.

Another lovely sight:  the girls working together, watering the freshly planted potatoes.

And another lovely sight (at least for me) :p
Paul, assembling a shelter for our baby ducks, the latest adventure for the Skattebo hobby-farm.
LOOOOK at that sky!!!!



  1. I love, love, love quilts on the line! Really any laundry but I love seeing quilts. :)
    Busy garden day around your farm. Can't wait to see the duck shelter. Isn't it fun to have little things that make us happy.

  2. which pattern did you use for the blue/gold quilt? I'm so likin' that one :)

  3. Your quilts look like a magazine picture, lovely. I'm going to be planting things out in the garden from the greenhouse tomorrow, we've got more sunny weather forecast.

  4. Baby duck -- that sounds like fun. So many pretty quilts hanging out to dry. What a great reminder of why we do what we do.

  5. Love the quilts hanging there! Looks like you guys have lots to do! We do too but nothing as exciting as ducks!

  6. Duck, duck,, duck....GOOSE!!!!!
