
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Breaking with a Granny Square

Over at Slugs on the Refrigerator (what a funny name, right??), a Crochet Camp is being hosted.  I didn't care to spend my time with the first project last week; it wasn't to my liking.  Plus, I also knew the basics of single crochet and all that jazz.
But week 2; we are asked to make a Granny Square.  This seems to be one of those patterns in crochet as the 4-patch is in quilting;  everyone makes at least one, and oodles more :)   
I grabbed some yarn that Cailtyn had leftover from her summer school crochet class, and had a go at the pattern.  I had been watching many youtube videos on this too, so I already had a good idea of how to work the pattern.  Her pattern had a few different steps than some I've watched, but I followed it anyway to the letter.  Cute lil' guy.

When I wasn't looking, Candace tried out the partial new afghan.  Making good headway; I'd love to be able to finish this baby up today, but that would be a VERY lofty goal.

There was a cuddle bug moment last night on the couch while watching the Avengers after an evening swim at Caitlyn's softball end-of-season party.  July 23 today.  This SERIOUSLY is the fastest summer I've ever lived through.  I think it has much todo with the fact that everything outside is "behind" in harvesting.  At this time last year, I was neck deep in beans and done with the raspberries.  Now, the beans don't even have blossoms yet, and the raspberries are reaching their first picking stage.  June was also PACKED with softball every night, making the days and weeks zoom by trying to fit everything in.
There is still lots of summer left, and once summer school is over this week, I am hoping things slow down a bit for the month of August before school starts up again.  I mean...come on!  I just found crochet and have so many patterns flying around in my head.  There will never be enough time in this life to do all of the projects I want to do.  That goes for ALL things, not just crochet!
One day at a time, I suppose.  And today....  a little pea picking; some raspberries, and ... crochet.

Happy Tuesday


  1. this summer has flown by! Hope you can grab some relaxation and enjoyment in the last weeks of it! Can't believe how fast your crochet is going!

  2. A much older friend recently reminded me of the quote: Life is like a roll of toilet paper - the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes! You have accomplished LOTS this summer! And more importantly, it sounds as if you have enjoyed it. ~Jeanne

  3. I agree, there is never enough time to do it all. I still haven't started Florabunda or made progress on Hawaii Sunset...and here I am starting new projects...I sure hope I live to be 100 so I have a chance to get it all in!
