
Monday, July 22, 2013

"So where does this rank on your obsession scale?"

asks Paul, as I lazily crocheted away on Candace's Aron throw last night...
LOL!    DUH!

Candace's Aran throw is now half finished;  3 days in.  I've worked through 1092 yards already, using Red Heart Super Saver yarns.  I simply need to say....I don't know if I'll use this yarn again for such a big project.  It's coarse to work with.  :{  It's scratchy, and just ..... hurts....after hours on end of continue crochet.  But I still am holding faith that it'll soften after it gets washed.  Does yarn have a 'sizing' agent added to it, similar to fabric, to keep it stiffer while working with it???  

We shipped Cassie off, safe and sound.  She is SUPER DUPER DUPER excited about the week!!!!!!! I met her roommate briefly before shipping back out for the two-hour drive home.  She seems like the sweetest lil' thing!  AND, I'm patting myself on the back!  I held off the tears!!! LOL.  I felt them coming on;  NO CLUE why!  Stupid hormones we mothers need to deal with.

Alrighty.  Candace and Cailtlyn have been dropped off at summer school. Paul is off to work.   Laundry is underway.  Dishes are done.  Animals are catered to.  Garden given a walk-through.  So, I plan to sit with some more crochet for a few hours, keeping up with laundry at the same time.  Later on after summer school, the girls and I plan to pick our first batch of raspberries and make some jam, all before heading out for Caitlyn's softball end-of-season party at 6:00 tonight.

Happy Monday!


  1. I love the obsession scale! LOL
    You are doing a fabulous job with this! The colors are fabulous. You even made me get out my UFO afghan and get busy on it. Thanks for that. :) Can't wait to see more of yours and mine.

  2. I caved.... I stared a shell baby afgahan last night with some Caron yarn. Yes, the yarns have different feels and the Red Heart is a different feel than the soft yarns. It does get a little better after a wash but will never be as cuddly as the Caron soft yarn.

  3. What a happy summer day. It is so good for the kids to get little tastes of independence I am sure she will have a super time. Enjoy your spurts of obsession. Why not let the spirit move you where it wants? It is summer after all, soak up every minute.

  4. Fabulous..a little you time while doing laundry! ENJOY it!
