
Sunday, September 21, 2014

RSC14; Fall life; apples; chickens getting older -- the good stuff :)

Angela's (SoScrappy) got the right idea choosing orange to be the color for September...

Mother nature is giving us reds and oranges and even some eggplant purples to enjoy as the days are starting to get cooler (and the nights even colder!)

Despite the cooling temps, the garden (slowly) continues to produce lil teaser crops of tomatoes so that I can make up half-batches of spaghetti sauce each weekend.

Sadly, the colder temps haven't killed the ragweed pollen yet.  Last Sunday, I opened up a brand new box of kleenex, and by that afternoon, only about 1/5 of it remained.  Ugh.  I wasn't a pleasant person to be around.

Regardless, the day was a super productive one.  Apples consumed us all day.... 
Candace was the first to sample the 2014 apple juice...

Cailtyn and Candace were a dynamo team with the foodmill, making apple sauce from the remains of the apple juicing session.

And yesterday, with 3 bags of apples STILL left from last weekend's preserving, I gave a new recipe a try:  Amish Apple Pie filling......
Ummmmmm..... can you say Y.U.M.!?!?  Definitely a winner winner :)  Now, I just need to learn how to make pie crust...

Truly, one positive about the cooler (but not COLD!) temps is the increased time we've spent in the hot tub.  Last Saturday at 8AM, with temps only at 37 degrees, we relaxed in the 102 degree water for about 20 minutes before tackling the corn crop harvest.

And just when chicken life finally has calmed down, we decide to make one final move before the snow starts flying.   The 10 "teenagers" (who SHOULD be laying eggs ANY day now!!!!), received some new coop-mates this morning...

The 10 chicks, who are no longer chicks, have been moved in to their new digs;  the New Coop.  Cassie and I watched the interaction between the two flocks for about half hour without too much excitement.  We are fairly certain the 10 chicks consist of 5 roosters and 5 hens;  the biggest rooster (the white/black speckled one closest to the waterer in the picture) doesn't have much fear of the pullets/teenagers.  He marched right over to the feeder, and amazingly....the pullets didn't bother him either.  There were only minor lil' scuffles between the chickens so far;  for the most part, each 'flock' is staying with their peers. Eventually, I'm fairly certain the 20 of them will all play nicely together.  Although----with 5 roosters....... we may need to problem solve.  But, that'll be a thought for another day.

"Shorty" here keeps sprouting and turning into an AMAZING young lady.  Fall life is keeping us all on our toes;  volleyball games, schoolwork, housework, garden work.... there isn't much down-time, certainly.  Cass has become such a wonderful helper!!!!!

And then there are odds-n-ends in the quilting, sewing and crocheting world that fill the tiny lil' moments of free time...

Scrappy Log Cabin blocks 

Red Heart's Prairie Star

I actually have an entire afternoon ahead of "downtime!"  I could sew, but don't think I'm gonna.  I could crochet....but same thought of not really wanting to.  
Truly, instead, I think I'm going to get a few plans in place for school lessons this week.  Considering I don't even know what I have on the agenda for tomorrow for my Algebra 2 class, I think some computer/school work time is my best option :)

Happy Sunday everyone.


  1. Never a dull moment, we are so blessed!

  2. Great things are happening in your neck of the woods!

  3. I so enjoyed reading your post this morning. Something about the country life.... I grew up living up to a chicken farm, right over the back fence. Cleaned many a chicken too. Love your orange blocks!

  4. Hope the ragweed is gone soon! You all are so busy - you have a great store of food for winter and Amish apple pie filling! Even if you don't make crust, it will be great with ice cream! ~Jeanne

  5. I don't know when you have time to sleep! Love seeing all the produce being put up for the winter. Lots of ready made meals all set for busy nights. Good luck with the pie crust... I have a good recipe somewhere. Maybe I'll make an apple pie a try this week and if it comes out good I'll pass along the crust recipe!

  6. Sounds like life is keeping you busy with all the good stuff. Hope that a quick frost will put and end to all the allergies for you. They do get big in such a hurry. Soak up every minute of it. Anna just signed up for drivers ed! Oh my, I remember how tiny she used to be and it feels like just yesterday. Lesson plans are grand, but I hope you find time for all the rest too.

  7. It sounds like you been very busy canning. The Amish apple pie filling sounds wonderful. If you don't want to make pie make apple crisp. A crumb topping on top of the apple pie filling and bake. A quick dessert. I hope you find time to sew soon.

  8. your apple pie filling photo created a whirlwind here --- we copied you! Thanks for the suggestion!

  9. Sure do miss your blog posts Amy! Hope you have some quilty time soon! :)
