
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Changing of the seasons...

Blogging continues to be on my mind, but the act of brining my thoughts to life on my blog was more of a challenge lately than not.  Two months gone.  Two months to catch up on (?).  THAT would take a while.

Instead, I send out my greetings to anyone still following and reading me despite my departure from the blogging world for the past 2 months.

Today marked the first day off from school since it started;  it's been a long time coming.  We have the entire upcoming week off;  partly due to Thanksgiving, but mostly due to the Wisconsin deer hunting season.

Cassie is out with Paul this year;  I'm really not sure who is more excited!  It's been a quiet day so I've heard.  

Therefore, it was FINALLLLLY possible to spend some time cleaning, tidying and getting back to work in my sewing room.

Angela's Rainbow Scrap Challenge received all of my attention today.  All eleven months' colors are complete;  another year of color tackled!
Additionally, I pieced backing for my Hawaii Sunset AND Celtic Solstice quilts.  They have been folded and added to my growing pile of "must-quilt-SOON" projects.

It's a beautiful 35 degrees out today;  the other two girls have stayed home with me and are playing outside, rolling in the snow;  excellent packing snow today!  For the evening, we have movies prepped and ready to go... and I'll continue to work on a new ripple crochet afghan I started a couple of weeks ago.  Who knows... MAYBE I'll get another update typed up for tomorrow too.

Thanks for still being out there,


  1. Good to see you today! Congrats on finishing your scrap challenge blocks! I remember what life was like when my girls were still home. Enjoy them and we will be here when you have time to blog about what is going on in your world.

  2. I completely understand about life intervening and having other priorities! You certainly have done a beautiful job on the RSC blocks! I love them! Enjoy your week off from school! I can't believe it is already time for Thanksgiving and Bonnie's mystery!!!!

  3. Wondered what you were up to. Good to see a post from you again. Always look forward to hear what you are making, whether it be a quilt, afghan, or a jar of tomato sauce.

  4. Even with your long absence, I am still here! I know life is crazy busy and at least I get my Amy fix on facebook! :) Welcome back and your blocks look fabulous! I am thinking of doing a reverse rainbow starburst is similar to this one but one star per block!

  5. Ha, I wondered if you'd be back or whether, like me, blogging has just lost its charm. I still read a few of my favourite blogs but just can't be bothered with my own. I see you're well into winter now, your life is so different from my own; we hear guns every now and then as some of the farmers go pigeon or grouse shooting but that's the extent of it. Very few 'ordinary' people shoot.

  6. I always enjoy your stories about what's going on in your corner of Wisconsin. I was born in Milwaukee and still have family in the Badger State, so you keep me in touch with my roots! Your RSC blocks look great - I look forward to seeing how you decide to put them together.

  7. blogging or not, I sure like what you did with color this year. LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  8. I was beginning to think you had started a new blog and conveniently "forgot" to give me the new address. :-). All kidding aside, even though I keep up with you on Facebook, I still look forward to reading your blog because you just have so many stories to entrainment us. See you in a few days for Thanksgiving. Enjoy your time off!!

  9. *entertain (stupid auto correct!)

  10. I love your blocks!

    I assumed harvest, etc., had you running crazy as it did us,

  11. Welcome back! So good to hear from you again. Sounds like you are staying busy these days. Glad to hear that you get the week off! Hope you get the chance to relax and recharge before you have to head back again. Your blocks look great! Another great RSC quilt is ready to be born.

  12. Of course we're still out here, hanging around and playing with fabric scraps! Hope you will have time to enjoy some quilting over your holiday!

  13. Glad to see you back here! No need to apologize for your absence - we all have those weeks (months?)...
    What's the plan for your 11 blocks? are you planning to make one more, or will you stick a few on the back? Inquiring minds need to know!

  14. Great to have you back! School must be running you ragged. Hope you actually get a moment to sit and slow down this vacation!

  15. Enjoy your vacation time and rejuvenate!
