
Sunday, January 31, 2010

January UFO; Quilts 4 Kids; Stash Report

Nothing like saving a January finish (or TWO) for the very last possible moment :0)
I really don't know when I began this quilt, but early 2008 is a good guesstimate. Once the label is made and attached, it'll be included in the package for a trek to Quilts 4 Kids. January UFO : DONE!

A Cowboy's Life
Quilts 4 Kids kit: DONE! And since this pattern was soooooo quick, I decided to dig into the new Loot from yesterday....

...I chose this fabric yesterday with Quilts 4 Kids in mind. BRIGHT FROGS!!! Borders will come tomorrow evening.

Stash Report: January 25 - 31
Used this week: 3.94 yards
Purchased this week: 54 yards (GASP, GASP! ((grin)))
Used-to-date 2010: 31.00 yards
Purchased-to-date 2010: 86.25 yards
Net used: -55.25 yards
I got my work cut out for me more purchasing until I get back to ZERO!

And thanks to Candace for linking the Fransson PaintBox Quilt-along! I may just have found a way to use up some more of my stash :0)
Classic Block directions

Happy Sunday

2010 BOM - February posted

Hiya BOM ladies!
Okay, trying something different.
"back in the day", I had an internet site that I used for my family and quilting 'stuff'. Sadly, the company that hosted my "home" closed their doors, and I hadn't found a replacement.

Knowing I needed to offer a downloadable file for February, I started scoping the net for a new home for the website. I found, and so far am "satisfied" with it (not completely in love yet!) I signed up for the FREE version to try it out; I have a feeling I'll cough up the bucks for the upgrade because the ads on the pages are a bit annoying, and I'll run out of disk space awfully soon!

Anyway, here are the links that'll lead you to my February BOM's.

February - Blackford's Beauty

February - Mosaic Star

February - Florida's Key West

(This list is also linked on the side bar)

For now, PLEASE forgive the annoying ads at the top of the pages and the "blandness" of the pages. I don't have my design software loaded on my new laptop yet, and the software is at school. I'll need to get it installed before the pages can get a facelift. But, for those of you antsy, I'm sure you'll have no problem with the blandness! :0) My plans for the facelift: better layout and bigger photos. Deadline: end of this week (2/5/10). For those of you starting right away, have no fear; directions will not change, nor will page URL's change. Goal achieved! 2/5/10 updates have been made :0)

A little story about the third block:
this choice really had two inspirations. When I inherited my Grandmother's stash, I came across a set of blocks already made and a faded sheet of paper with what appeared to be a secret code written on it. Days later, I found this stack of WorkBasket magazines, and suddenly the code made sense. The WB mag. shared a "state BOM" each month from 1985-87; she had the entire set and had started making a sampler quilt. I took over where she left off, and .....'s still sitting as a "Special UFO" that may never see a finish???
Okay, that's the first part; the second part was----"Wouldn't it be cool to share a pattern each month of states of where the BOM followers live???" I know not all of the participants live in the States, but for those that do, I'm thinking that's the game plan??? I'm not picking favorites, but the reason Florida is first is simple: Angela (soscrappy, who lives in Florida) was my first blog-buddy!

I don't know where all of you live, so when you comment today, share the state you live in!!! :0) Oh, I'll admit, if you live in Hawaii, oh dear! That will just plain "stink!" I don't have the magazine handy to take a pic of the pattern, but---WAY too much applique!!! LOL

Alright---time to get downstairs. Don't be bashful to leave comments, opinions, questions. I really don't know if I left anything out or if things are unclear.

Happy Sunday


and I quote....
"Don't go too wild at the fabric sale this weekend, remember, you'll have to use it all someday." - Angela (soscrappy)


My rough estimate.....40 yards---YIKES!

the start of a DOTS collection...

my fav: 30's reproductions....

the start of a black/white collection (and maybe some red for the Black/Red pineapple blossom finish)

a couple more pieces for the Red/Blue/White BOM quilt

some BRIGHTS for possible Quilts 4 Kids donations....

close up of one of the brights----I finished off the bolt (~4.5 yards)

some random pieces I grabbed from all over; hmmm, I see many of them "go together" quite nicely....

The total damage: yeah....... went over budget JUST a little....really, JUST a little. They had an even BETTER deal than 50% off cottons, and then an additional 10% off total purchase. When I brought up my CARTS full of bolts to be cut; (after the sales lady went into panic-mode), she smiled and asked if I knew about the "buy $100 worth, take $20 off total purchase". (Which equates to 20% off total purchase -- if right around $100). Thank goodness they weren't overly busy, because I kept adding to my piles. Kinda like our stash---she barely made a dent into cutting the stack of bolts when I added more to it! I started at 10:00, and was done "shopping" at noon. Pam, sales lady, offered a suggestion that we (my MIL and I) head to lunch while they finished the order. Great idea! So we called FIL (from work) and we went out for a burger. And, naturally, I made out on THAT deal too! Dad bought.

Anyway---back home now with hopes to get all the new purchases pressed, folded and stashed away for the perfect project in the future.

BOM'ers---I'm working on getting February out to you too. Trying something different, I hope it'll work out just a nicely for y'all :0)

Happy Sunday morning

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Two near finishes before February???

A new project and a UFO.........a great duo...

Yesterday, I received a package in the mail, sponsored by Downy. I had actually forgotten I had requested this kit for Quilts for Kids. My first thought when I opened the package and saw the fabrics: "Oh my---BOY colors!" LOL; quite a change from my pinks and purples! And, of course, I couldn't NOT dive right in to the quilt top; the kit came pre-cut, so I could literally jump right in.
After about 90 minutes, the top was together. VERY fast piecing!
The blue dot fabric on the left is the backing they sent along in the kit --- YUP! Backing included in the kit! I'll have to wait to quilt it until after I return Saturday night from picking up Candace from my parents. If you are interested in donating your time and piecing talent to help some children, here is the link to request a kit.

Recently, I received a package from Connecting Threads that I had ordered when they were having a close-out sale on their Twilight and Mama's Cottons lines. I simply couldn't resist!
Sadly, this will bring my Net Stash Used for the year to a DRASTIC low (specially after hitting the 50% sale at Hancock's this Saturday). But, speaking of that, I HAVE set a limit and shared that number with hubby. He didn't faint, so it must be okay :0)

Take a trip back down memory lane with me:
Date: April 29, 2008 (yes, two thousand EIGHT).

Fast-forward to present day:
Blocks done with hopes to have a finish Sunday---before February hits. It's not the UFO that I had scheduled for January, but----SO WHAT!?!?! It's a UFO that has been sitting for dang-near 2 years :0) Do I hear a woo-wooo???

Happy Thursday everyone :0)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Cuttin' some bright colors! :0)

Last night and tonight, our kitchen table was taken over by my cutting mat and rotary cutter, in addition to some lovely BRIGHT fabrics. The two piles pictured are pieces for Hannah's Rotation(left) (oh, and, still awaiting better name---do you have any suggestions??), and Jade's Heart (right). I'll be starting the sewing soon; not exactly sure if it'll be tomorrow or later.

Tomorrow evening, I may find myself working on the third BOM for February seeing that Feb. 1 is NEXT MONDAY! Wow! A month gone already in 2010. How is your year going?

Stash Report: January 18-24
Used this week: 5.681 yards (cut, not sewn yet)
Purchased this week: 19.25 yards (YIKES!)
Used-to-date 2010: 27.056 yards
Purchased-to-date 2010: 32.25 yards
Net used: -5.194 yards
Comment from Regina:
I think you should be exempt from this fabric since it's school related.

Alright girl, sounds good to me!!!!

nah...just makes me really need to boogie down with some sewing and using!

But, the scary thought: I'm heading down to my parent's house this weekend for ONE PURPOSE: Going to Hancock Fabrics for the 50% off sale on all cottons!!!! Uh-oh!!!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

No pics, but have been quilting; Math 8 Quilt Design winner

I didn't realize it's been a week since I last posted---I've been out-n-about all week reading blogs daily, but simply never got around to posting on my own.

I have finished Step 2 and 3 of Bonnie Hunter's Carolina Christmas, and have cut most of step 4.

This weekend, I hit the shelves at Walmart to find fabrics for the 3rd Annual Math 8 Best Quilt Design winner:
At this time, the name is Hannah's Rotation (yeah...boring! I'll talk with Hannah to see if she has any suggestions for a name).

pst....pst......I also purchased fabric for the runner-up as well this year, simply because I REALLY like it and won't take all that much effort to make.
I'm going to see if I can find some thin, black, bias iron-able tape that I've seen advertised in quilting magazines. Purpose: to use on the seams as shown in the picture---I THINK that's why I like this design----Jade (student) used a black sharpie to outline the pieces which makes it look like a stained-glass-window. Something new to try.... Tentative name: Jade's Heart

I'm tired tonight even though I really WISH I was motivated. The fabric for the quilts has been washed and partially pressed and cut already. I want to keep going, but the will just isn't strong enough tonight. My back is sore and "tired"---feeling lazy, and may just slide into the tub until half-time is over (Vikings vs. Saints). Maybe then I'll be recharged to tackle some more cutting and pressing.

Happy Sunday!

Weekly stash report to be announced later---I don't have my numbers readily available.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

WOW--hate to share, but.....

An AMAZING 1000+ (that's ONE THOUSAND PLUS) post Giveaway:
Suzanne's Great BIG Giveaway and Sale!!!!!.

Trust me, I would rather keep this one hush-hush, but to all my lovely follower's who are often reluctant---I REALLY don't think you want to pass this one up!

Sunday's Quiltathon status and Stash Report

I actually SET my alarm for this AM so I could get cracking bright-n-early at quilting. Funny though, I snoozed for about 45 minutes anyway!
But by 8:00, I was rockin-n-rollin!

Row 1:
8:00 am - Started cutting template pieces for February's BOM (**GASP**)! Yes, TEMPLATE pieces will be coming in February, ladies!
9:15 am - Trimmin' off some dogears
10:30 am - Sneak-peak at one of the completed February BOM.
10:35 am - Cutting HST's for the 2nd February BOM
Row 2:
10:53 am - Cutting complete -- time to sew some HST's
11:10 am - Pieces pressed (yup ladies! ALL those pieces are going into ONE 12" block---and there are a few more than just these)
12:00 pm - Pulling out Steppin' Out - dyed. No WONDER I set this project aside---I only have a GaZILLION HST's to square up....
12:30 pm -- still squarin' up!
Row 3:
12:40 pm - pieces squared
12:45 pm - Adjourning to the upstairs to watch the game and press
1:12 pm - Pressed and dogears removed
1:30 pm - family arrived home and Caitlyn helped me put labels on my Swap Blocks
Row 4:
2:39 pm - Carolina Christmas Step 2 pieces cut
4:18 pm - Carolina Christmas Step 3 pieces cut
6:09 pm - Back downstairs, more CC pieces getting cut
7:02 pm - The status of my sewing table after calling it a night. CC Step #2's first part was just chain-pieced and will await pressing for tomorrow evening.

LOVELY LOVELY weekend! Sadly, YES, I DO have school tomorrow---we never have Martin Luther King day off----hm! Wonder why!

Follow other Quiltathon-er's progress!

Stash Report: January 11-17
Used this week: 9.75 yards
Purchased this week: 4 yards
Used-to-date 2010: 21.375 yards
Purchased-to-date 2010: 13 yards
Net used: 8.375 yards

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saturday's Quiltathon status...

Time-lapse photography, quilting style:

(across top)
9:30 am: my morning began by pressing seams sewn last night
10:30 am: All four sets completed (two for the swap, two not quite up to par to remain for my quilt)
11:30 am: Half-way through pressing bonus triangles and sewing into pinwheels
1:00 pm: still working through those bonus triangles...almost done!
(two on left)
1:23 pm: FOUR set of pinwheels from bonus triangles complete
1:25 pm: OIL CHANGE!!!
(two on right)
2:00 pm: Class Act - baby sample blocks sewn into rows
2:44 pm: borders going on
(across bottom)
3:42 pm: sandwich getting basted
4:32 pm: quilting in the ditch
4:45 pm: quilted, awaiting final trimming and binding
4:52 pm: potatoes frying for dinner
4:55 pm: BREAK TIME!!!!!! ;0)


How's your day going?

Follow the Quiltathon-er's progress...

8:00 pm update

The Class Act-Baby quilt is finished. I am once again offering my Beginner's Quilting course via our school's Community Education program, so I needed a sample for the Class Act. I didn't include all the borders; this will be donated to Zion Lutheran's baptismal quilts once my class is complete.

7:30 pm -- it was just a wee bit early to hang up my quilting supplies for the day, so I pressed the 4-patches and HST's that I have been sewing as my leaders-n-enders. Do you recall Bonnie Hunter's Jan/Feb '08 article in Quiltmaker? Her Blue Ridge Beauty? I've finally started the leaders-n-enders for that one. Hmmm.....when do I predict the finish? How does June sound? July latest? Let's see....I dug into my magazine pile to find the calls for 448 4-patches and 448 HST's. Okay.....I have 42 4-patches completed and 28 HST's.....but who's counting????

Happy Saturday!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Quiltathon - Ahhhhh! SO READY!

TRYING not to feeling guilty.....
my entire family headed up north tonight to the farm for a weekend of fun and relaxation. However, **I** wanted a weekend of fun and relaxation HERE---quilting!

Over at PatchworkTimes, she's organized a Quiltathon for this weekend. JUST what I need to have some motivational productivity downstairs!!!

Tonight, I had some brief time downstairs to just check the status of the room; seeing what projects were out-n-front-n-center; of COURSE it's the Pineapple Blossom Blockswap, so I got a headstart into tomorrow's task by tackling another set of 12 blocks.
This is the current status of my sewing table when I turned out the light this evening; ONE final set cut and partially sewn.
Tired of sewing (gasp!), I decided to start pressing the bonus-triangles from the blocks.....Two full sets pressed....
one more set awaiting on the ironing board. OH!!!! That reminds me. I never informed you, my readers, that I was gifted a new WIDER ironing board for C'mas from my parents. LOVELY!!!

Status: TWO complete block sets (10 +1/charity in each set) to be sent off (left). ONE complete block set that I will keep (NOT quite up to par for a swap). When all is said and done tomorrow, THREE full sets will be sent off to the swap, a 4th will remain here, so I'll have a quilt using 42 (FORTY-TWO) blocks, set 6x7 once the swap is final. Red & Black aren't exactly my colors, but I eyed this GORGEOUS chinese-style fabric at Hancocks last weekend. They have a 50% sale coming up at the end of the month and HOPEFULLY the fabric will still be there (if it's meant to be). It would make a BEAUTIFUL border for this quilt.

Happy Friday. I hope you can find some quilting time for yourself this weekend!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Calling all quilters!!! Wanna voice your vote?

Being a middle-school math teacher, I get the liberty of teaching my students geometry. a quilter, what better PROJECT than "design a quilt".
The requirements are simple: scale a quilt on graph paper so that the finished size is 64"x76" (includes a 2" border on all sides), and keep the design as a two-patch quilt (ie: only two different sized shapes/patches can be used).
This is the third year I have given out this project; and started a tradition of having the class vote on the "Best Design" once I've narrowed down the choices. Then, I make the quilt and display it at the school.
Last year, I invited my small group of blog-friends vote as well.

Wanna vote?
I will have the class vote on Friday, but will accept online votes until Sunday evening because I'll announce it on Monday. How exciting for the student to REALLY be the best design, not only from classmates (which normally turns into a popularity contest rather than truly the "best design"), but also from "real-life" quilters! :0)

SADLY, some of the quality really is getting lost in these pics. First, the flash is getting reflected off the colored pencil; Second, when I don't use the flash, the pics are too dark.

Design A. Lovely "shadowing effect" with hearts.

Design B. Reflective symmetry and fun color choices.

Design C. Using two pics, but still justice isn't being done. Blacks and purples take up the majority of the design, but fun BRIGHT colors creating some patterns. Maybe only math teachers notice the "special" symmetry here??? NOT reflective (like looking in a mirror). INSTEAD---it's 180 degrees rotational symmetry (which I DID NOT TEACH in class yet! Cool!!!) (ie: imagine rotating the paper one-half turn---the image repeats itself (with maybe just a few blocks different).)

(I know I'm struggling choosing my favorite! I would be happy making any of these three).

Monday, January 11, 2010

Ah! Another week gone - Stash Report - more Pineapples

First---grrrrrrrrr! No pictures tonight! Anyone know how to "save" a disk? Here's what happened----in a HASTE move, I yanked the SD card from it's computer slot without properly "ejecting" it. The "warning" window came up reminding me to properly eject devices, blah, blah, blah.... Well....grrrrrrrrr! Now when I insert the SD card, it doesn't appear on my computer! Good thing I'm "in" with our tech guy at school because this baby is getting into his hands tomorrow for rescuing.

Second---when weekends are spent away, the week sure flies by without a moment of 'down-time' and Mondays come WAY too fast!! We are supposed to be out-n-about again this upcoming weekend, BUT I've already told Paul that plans will be changing! I want a quiet, calm weekend at home; afterall NEXT weekend, we will be gone again. UGH! Besides, Angela (Soscrappy) found this Quiltathon for this weekend, and it sounds HEAVENLY! I haven't had a FULL obsessive quilting weekend in MONTHS!!!

Thirdly; more Red/Black/White pineapple swap blocks, partially completed are down on my quilting table. I was able to find some more black-on-blacks and red-on-reds, but still was NOT a piece of cake. I will think twice before signing up for another BOB or ROR quilt! Golly-I can imagine the same would be for Blue on Blue and Green on Green too????

Finally, stash report update: January 4 - 10
Used this week: 3.125 yards
Purchased this week: 7 yards (all those blasted reds and blacks!!! They WILL get used up THIS week!!!)
Used-to-date 2010: 11.625 yards
Purchased-to-date 2010: 9 yards
Net used: 2.625 yards (still ahead of the game!!!)

We had C'mas at my parent's this past weekend (VERY FUN, but complete chaos!) This is the "big" Christmas. LOTS of goodies; 10 yards of Warm-n-Natural cotton batting (90" wide), rotary blades, FQ's, a new WIDE ironing board.....DH got LOADS of cooking and baking supplies, including a Wine-making kit; the kids.....holy buckets! Don't ask me to account for everything they got! The "family gift" was a Wii system with Wii Fit and Wii Sports (DH is hooking it up as I type)... A lovely weekend! But I'm excited and HOPING I can safely back away from "tentative" plans for this weekend to just stay at home and relax; stay in jammies all day and QUILT!

Happy Monday

OH! And I got the movie "Julie & Julia" (Julia Child story). DH and I watched it last night---fun movie :0)

OH! GOSH! That reminds me---yet another add-on:
DH and I had our first DATE in like.....forever!!! We went to see Avatar last Thursday. Sadly our theatre didn't have the 3D version, but still.....
One word: Beautiful!
I agree with some of the reviews that the story line wasn't anything spectacular, but the effects and colors and creatures.....AMAZING artistry!!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Pineapple Swap Set #1

Holy buckets

NOT Holy Buckets because these blocks are difficult...


it's Holy Buckets because I never knew how HARD it was to find shades of ROR (red on red) and BOB (black on black)!! I stopped at the quilt shop tonight and at least came up with enough variety to whip out one set of 10 (+1 for charity) that is being requested by my swap, but my 2nd set will have to wait until after the weekend when I go to my hometown's quilt shops to see what they have.

But---the first set went together (cut, pieced, pressed) in about three hours. I'm a litttttle bit nervous, because a few of the blocks are a smidge wonky and shy of the 9.5" measurement (less than 1/8", but still....); it wouldn't be a biggy if they were just for me, but these are going to others and I want to be sure they're as accurate as possible. I guess "it is what it is." I'll simply suggest that if any don't meet up to par, send them back my way and swap the ones that "pass inspection." I'd be okay with that....

Okay, time to get to bed...

Happy Monday

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Chunky Churndash, Snuggler, a Noah's Ark baby quilt gone bad, more pineapple blocks and Carolina Christmas...

The quilting day began by putting the final borders on my Chunky Churndash top (81.5" x 94"). It will need to remain at this stage until I can get some more batting into the house. OR, I may even send this one out to a LA'er.

Then, I put the final borders on Snuggler (71" x 87"), which also will remain at this stage. (No batting, remember?)

Next came some actual "functional" sewing. My stack of "clothes-needing-seam-fixes" had grown to 8 items, so I finally just DID THEM! Two of my shirts, two pants for Caitlyn, one for Cassie, one sweater for Cassie, shirt of Paul's, and a neck-warmer of Paul's. Felt good to tackle that and get them off my shelf!

Looking around and tidying up, I found this panel of Noah's Ark. Knowing it would be a quick finish, I found some flannel Noah Ark theme fabric for the backing, used some small pieces of batting, and went about trying out this 'painter's tape' method of grid line quilting.
All went well until the middle :0( I guess I should have started there? I still don't know if it would have helped.....I used the puffy poly batting which caused the layers to shift a smidge. Oh well, maybe a doll quilt for the girls?


Digging into the 2" strip bin, pulling fabrics, I pieced together 9 more Pineapple blocks (Bonnie pattern). I'm all set to make up a couple of sets in Black, white and red for the January block swap. I'll be calling the quilt shop tomorrow to "put in my order." The shop closes at 4:00; if I leave school by 3:30, I should get there around 3:50. I know she'll be willing to throw some things together ahead of time for me (and wouldn't mind staying open a bit later than 4:00 to accommodate a quilter in need!) She's a great gal!

I also finished up Carolina Christmas Step 1 today as leaders-enders.

My new leaders-n-enders is Bonnie's pattern...ummmm...gosh, can't remember the name; have to find that Quiltmaker again (Jan, 2009?), using blues/whites 4-patches and HST's. My Blue Heaven?? Anyway, now I can move on to Step 2.

Back to the grind-stone tomorrow **sigh**
At least my vacation brought me back to my somewhat normal quilting obsession :0)

Happy Sunday!

Oh Yeah - Stash Report
Used this week: 8.5 yards
Purchased this week: 2 yards
Used-to-date 2010: 8.5 yards
Purchased-to-date 2010: 2 yards
Net used: 6.5 yards

Saturday, January 2, 2010

yup, I KNEW I shouldn't have parked my butt....

...I was doing SO WELL on both Chunky Churndash and Snuggler; it was an afternoon of borders since that was all that was left for each quilt. One set of borders is on Snuggler with another to go, and the last set of borders for CC....well, the sides are on, and I got "distracted" amidst ironing the sides to put the final top/bottom borders on. Candace (DD #3) decided to touch the blasted iron just long enough, before I could catch her in the act, to do some damage on her hand. **((sigh))**. Drama ensued!

Ice, burn cream, bandaid, lots of hugs, and a snuggle in a quilt with a good movie to calm her down. But....she's learned (the hard way!) :0(

Then, it was time to put dinner in the oven (nothing fancy; keep your pantyhose on---just a simple cardboard pizza), but DH and I are going to have egg rolls! YES! LOVE homemade eggrolls!

Then, I parked my butt to check emails and catch up on any blog posts today. That brought me to Carol's post about "what's the block/quilt name?" ......
...and the next thing I knew ...! (for about 45 minutes!!!!)

At least DH was next to me---he and I enjoyed the search; him "ooohh" and "ahhhh"-ing. I also think I found another couple BOM ideas for the next 11 months....

OH!!! AND!!
Had intentions of getting to the quilt shop today to buy some fabs for the Block Swap as sewmanyswaps. IT - WAS - CLOSED!!!
GRRRRRRR!!!! And I wasn't about to drive another 30 miles with the hopes that another shop was open only to find it closed as well. So.....**sigh**.....the Pineapple blocks will have to wait until Monday evening!

Okay---off to help hubby make some eggrolls!
Happy Saturday night!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Too Good To Cut Challenge; Block Swap; and a new WIP....ummmmm....yeah.....

What else would you expect, right?

Okay, let's do this chronologically...
The first thing I did when I tiptoed downstairs this morning was to search for the fabric in my stash that is simply "too good to cut."
What is it about a lovely bundle of fat-quarters, so nicely stacked and tied off with a ribbon? While holding my breath, I cut the ribbon and had a closer look at these goodies that have been sitting for....umm.....a year? I have no idea how long! How LOVELY! The perfect fabric for this challenge...

After snapping that picture, I took a look around, but wasn't motivated to work on Chunky Churndash. Instead, I pulled out two kits that have been sitting on my shelf for almost TWO YEARS! Doing the ever popular "Eenie-Meenie-Miney-Moe" game, I decided to dive into a new project....simply called Snuggler. ((yeah, not very creative)).

It's made of woodsy flannels designed by a local designer, Debbie Field. ((My husband built her house...a whole long story could follow, but...)) If you have ever purchased a kit before, you know how much excessive fabric that is usually included. Well, after an hour of cutting and piecing, I had the top laid out ((you see Chunky Churndash under it?)), with LOADS of extra fabric. And quite frankly, the quilt was kinda puny. SO, cut, cut, snip, snip, sew, sew---the quilt grew, and I used up just about all of the "extra" yardage! Seriously; it grew by one full row and one full column. I COULD have really burned this baby up today as a finish, but shortly after 10:00, the girls had some visitors, and my quilting space kinda got...demolished!

Pictured are my three girls and two of their friends jumping onto some cushions that are being housed in the basement until they can return to their home in the camper next Spring. I kept my fingers crossed, turned my head, and hoped that no broken bones were on the menu!!!

Upstairs I went for a little solitude away from the noise, and went roaming the web. Just like yesterday, it's a fun journey to just wander and find quilting goodies all over! Somehow, I ended up the Red Rooster Fabrics site, on Jennifer Chiaverini's designer page, and saw the Elm Creek Quilts: Joanna's Collection pattern. LOVELY!!! So, head started seeing the pattern in the colors I set aside this morning for the Too Good to Cut challenge. ((careful, a cliche is about to come...).... they were a match made in heaven!

I risked my life heading back downstairs through the war zone to my quilting nook and started pulling other fabs that could "go" with my blessed eight FQ's. Fabrics found, labeled, and stored safely on my shelf for a start.....

and despite how BADLY I wanted to cut into yet ANOTHER new project, I-DIDN'T! YES! That was a huge "non"step forward!

The rest of the day was spent with the girls, putting on/taking off snowpants/boots/the-whole-lot, making hot chocolate, playing checkers, making lunch, and a lot of downtime on the computer!

...which brings me to the final part of this post.....
I had mentioned yesterday (?) that I was interested in taking part in my first block swap. A google search left me (still) with my arms up in the air, so I went off to Quiltvillechat and sent out an APB. Nan came to my rescue and forwarded me to SewManySwaps Yahoo group. And then.....that bad 'ol Murphy was FINALLY on my side!!! She informed me (and opened up the door) that they were nearing the end of a red/black/white Bonnie Hunter Pineapple block swap!!! How perfect!!! ((Angela knows exactly what I mean!!)) Just yesterday (today?) I was telling her how I wanted to make a pineapple block, and Bonnie's pattern makes it SO do-able! Nan accepted me into the group ((THANKS NAN!!)), and I went surfing away, reading the rules and everything else. I have NO red, black, or white fabric that is being requested, so my game plan is to head to the quilt shop tomorrow AM after Cassie's basketball game to buy some goodies. My goodness! I haven't bought fabric in ages!!! Since July????

Once 5:00 rolled around, DH drove the visiting girls home, I made up some dinner, and then headed down to try out a few sample Pineapple blocks, JUST to be sure I could get as accurate as possible. And besides, now that I have two scrappy blocks done, now I HAVE to make at least 18 more of them for (at least) a small quilt...

Happy Friday!!!