What else.......oh yes! How could I forget?!?!?! A BAR OF DARK CHOCOLATE! And what PERFECT timing----we had just finished eating dinner and I was hunting around the house for a bit of chocolatey sweetness! *chuckle* I had to bride it out of Candace's hands though!!!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU AMANDA! You were SUCH a dear to personalize this gift for my girls, too! You are a dear!
Okay........so now...the girls have decided to relax with Ice Age, DH just arrived home, so I am thinking of heading downstairs (FINALLY) and pick up where I left off Monday night on the OTR.
Catch'ya later!
11:25pm update
Yup....I headed downstairs, but didn't get down there until 8:00. I finished up sewing the HST's (all 188 of them that were left). I debated on ironing ALLLLLL 388 of them, or to just iron a few at a time, make a couple of pinwheels, and repeat. Yeah, well, 388 seemed rather daunting, so I ironed 10 sets at a time (40 HST's) and then sewed the pinwheels. I have 20 completed pinwheels. I WOULD have more, but I decided to throw "The Lake House" into the DVD player, and I was getting to some "good parts" and didn't want the noise of the sewing machine to block out the sound. So.........iron, iron, iron. ALLLL HST's are now ironed, although at one point I was sniffling and blowing my nose every 4 HST's and ironing through teary eyes. I mean....S-E-R-I-O-U-S-L-Y!!! I must have seen this movie a BA-ZILLION times, but GOSH----I am SUCH a sucker for sappy, happy endings! *chuckling sheepishly*......What a pansy!
Okay folks..I suppose I should TRY to fall asleep, even though I feel pretty darn wide awake. However, I want to utilize as much of the day tomorrow as I can to continue on OTR without dragging my butt too much. DH is planning to work from 8:00-noon and then I hope to run tomorrow afternoon (UNLESS I actually feel up to running BEFORE he leaves......hmmmmmmm.......6 hours away...not so sure that'll happen!) :0)
What a wonderful thing to brighten your day! Great surprises!
I'm so glad the package arrived all in one piece and that the girls liked their little gift too - two hours peace and quiet, wow! You're right, it is a coaster, but the dangly thing was meant to be a scissor keep, but would work just as well as a Christmas tree ornament I'm sure. I use one of those chickens as a pin cushion right next to me sewing machine, and it always makes me smile. I'm looking forward to seeing some of the finished OTR quilts - so many tiny pieces this time, more than the OC I think. I haven't joined in this one, having got involved in so many swaps. Have a good day tomorrow.
I love the photo of your little girl acting like a chicken. So cute! Amanda really was generous.
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