Monday morning....sitting at my desk, doing some last-minute-before-the-bell paperwork........students start filing into the room....and then.....................
SHRIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK! A female student of mine LEAPS from her desk, screaming and squealing at the top of her voice. It wasn't until after a few seconds when I realize she's saying "mouse---mouse---there's a mouse."
So, MEEEEEE, being at my desk, go into "freak-out" mode thinking "oh my goodness! I have a mouse in my room??!!? Oh my golly----call Mr. Nauertz (science teacher) and get him down here with a net and bucket!!!!!!!" I walk over to her desk to try to see where the mouse is, STILL expecting to see it on the floor scurrying about.......THIS is what I see.....

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ewwwwwwwwwwww! Would this NOT give you the heeby-jeebies??!?!!???!?!?!? At first, I thought it was caught in the binder's prongs since it wasn't moving much or attempting to get away. However, upon closer observation, the little bugger was nearing death's door! We tried to get the story from Brianna about how on EARTH that lil' guy got in her binder----and she said she'd had it in her car for the entire weekend. (HA! At least she admitted that she didn't work on her homework) ;0)

Anyway......our faithful Science teacher, Mr. Nauertz, came down, expecting to catch a live mouse, so he had net in hand and a bucket. He didn't have to work very hard to catch it though :0) After it was removed, I grabbed the disinfectant spray, because sadly there was some "mouse-substance" on her binder and book that needed to be cleaned off. EWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! *shudder*
But seriously!! Could you IMAGINE?!?!??! Sitting in a desk, opening your binder to get ready for class, and BAM!!!! Mouse eyes staring at you!!!! ick!
So, that was the excitement of my day! What about yours????? :0)
OH MY GOSH! Thank heavens for science teachers who are willing to take care of the unexpected. If it had been our ecology teacher I think he would have wanted it for snake food. As much as we all try to plan for every contingency, I don't think that one would EVER seem like a likely scenario. I guess it's good that the little guy was still alive. Trying to determine time of death on a critter that small can be tricky.
What amazes me even more is that you had your camera at the ready and the presence of mind to use it!!
WOW! I can't even imagine that. I am not sure how I would have handled the situation. I would have done the same thing (clorox clean up with bleach).
I hope the rest of your week is boring or at least not that eventful.
OH, super yuck!!!!!!! But the poor mouse - I guess he was all smooshed in that binder all weekend. I'll bet that poor girl will have nightmares about that for quite some time. I know I would.
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