For much of the morning, I went straight-away, working on it. Inspiration and renewed excitement kept me pluggin and pluggin away today. The top is ALMOST complete; the last 2" border will be placed on tomorrow. WOW! THANKS ANGELA!

An update on Candace's Stars. The other night before the binding was on, I brought it upstairs to show DH.
Me: So, what do you think?
DH: Who's is that?
Me: Candace's
DH: ((**raises eyebrow**)) Ya think it's big enough???
Me: Well, she'll grow into it...
DH: I really like it
DH: It's too good to give to her
Me: HA
Well, currently, it is being schlept up-n-down the stairs everyday, between her bed and the couch for movie-snuggle time.
Me: Candace, do you like your quilt?
Candace: Ya momma, my kwuilt is purty
Cailtyn: Candace, that's not a quilt, it's a blanket
Candace: NO! It's a kwuilt! And it's mine! Right momma?
Me: Yes, Candace, it is yours and yes, it is a quilt.
Cailtyn: Oh, it's a quilt because you made it, Mom?
Me: Yes, Cailtyn
It will definitely be an heirloom--this has now become my FAVORITE quilt I've made of all times.

Yup! I'm doing it again! Starting yet another project. HOWEVER, it is only because while working on Wafer Cookies, I needed to make 5 more larger blocks. So, off to the 2.5" bin I went; it was OVERFLOWING! As I was digging around, I started thinking that maybe I should try to find a pattern that uses 2.5" strips. When I checked emails this afternoon, I also took a moment to look over at Quiltville to see what I could find. Lo-n-behold, Star Struck struck my fancy, so I started digging around tonight and started sorting the fabrics. At first, I was going to just go completely scrappy, but I didn't realize I had so much BLUE! So....blue it was and whites/yellows. I only added in the yellows because I thought this would be a great quilt for a possible student or even Cassie (or myself) because our school colors are blue-n-gold (yellow). At one point, it looked like the 2.5" bin exploded in my sewing room with strips all over!!!
Candace came to see what I was up to and grabbed the camera. She's becoming quite the photographer of "mommy." Actually, it's kinda neat to see the world from her height. The first 8 blocks went rather quickly and easy. The blue stars really are getting lost because I used some light blues as "blues" instead of "lights/whites". I have now removed all light blues from the blues and will only use medium and dark blues. These 8 will just get thrown in here-n-there; I'm really not obsessing too much; scraps are getting used up and I'll be making a complete quilt without buying anything new.
So, I had some great progress again today. However, I have a new mathematical equation I realized today:
Good quilter = Bad housekeeper
My house is being neglected, as is the garden. I've gotten a bit obsessed with quilting again; but I don't think I needed to make that statement, huh? I simply MUST take a break from quilting again, but, well... I'd like to get Wafer Cookies to a completed flimsy, at least, and I still need to finish up the DWR pillow-sham quilting.
The holiday weekend hits tomorrow and we'll be heading up to the farm for the weekend. I don't think I'll be taking any quilting projects with me. **Shrug** Not sure yet.....
Happy Thursday. Oops---scratch that! Happy Friday (12:09 AM right now)
---I need to stop drinking coffee in the evening---
I hadn't realised before just how large Candace's Stars is, there's probably room for the whole family under there. I'm not surprised you're so fond of it, it really is very pretty.
You truly have an excited little girl! It turned out beautiful. She will enjoy it and love it forever.
How awesome is it that your kids really get what a quilt means? It is not a blanket when Mommy makes it. That face really says it all. Wafer cookies is looking great. The division of the two sizes of blocks really helps it hang together better. Ironic isn't it? No fair on getting your July UFO done so soon though, you make the rest of us look lazy.
That is an amazing "blanket"!!LOL! Really though, I can only hope to someday make a quilt like that! You can see how much she loves it!
Lots of gorgeous finishes lately for you. I think that Candace looks very happy and cute in her new masterpiece, although a little small. Maybe she'd like to lend it to another larger Candace until she gets a little bigger, lol.
I love the story you shared about Candace's quilt. She is such a lucky girl. That quilt is so lovely!
Question for you and your quilting blogger friends---Where do I go to find info on Stippling (SP?)? I would like to learn how and I don't think I can wait until next winter when you will teach your next class? :O )
Thank you!
The quilt for your daughter turned out beautiful!! I can see why she loves it! I love the quote:
good quilter = bad housekeeper!! I need that posted in my house.
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