Sunday, December 20, 2009

It's almost here...

C'mas vacation, that is.

Some of you fellow teachers around the nation have already started rubbin' it in that you're on break----we have school through Wednesday yet.

I have only been putzing with some sewing a couple of hours here, a couple of hours there. I have really missed the obsession of needing to sew nearly 24/7...but soon! Soon! The time will return!

Two main quilt tops I've been working on simultaneously, toggling between each of them, acting as leaders-n-enders to each other.....

and Chunky Churndash (for my parents).

Chunky Churndash is going to have to take the front burner now, since it will be a C'mas gift to my parents; but thankfully we won't be celebrating with them for another couple of weeks. Therefore, I'll have all of break to work on it. (NOT that I'm going to----take all break, that is).

Actually, I have some ambitious goals set over my vacation...
1) Finish Chunky Churndash
2) Finish Lucidity
3) Finish Christmas Lights (it's been in "wait-mode" for a couple of months; all sandwiched and basted already, so once I really get motivated on it, it shouldn't take much more than a day...)
4) Start crackin' away on Bonnie's Carolina Christmas mystery. I needed a new leader-n-ender today as I neared the end of sewing Chunky Churndash rows, so I start strip sewing Step 1... (see below)

Christmas Lights awaiting quilting...

The start of Carolina Christmas... Colors chosen are greens, purples, white and black. I have yet to miss one of Bonnie's mysteries, so... time (SOON!) to start cracking away at it.

Christmas is right around the corner---holy buckets! Where has this year gone? The girls went to the library last Monday for the annual reading of "T'was the Night Before Christmas" by Santa.

Snow finally hit last week, too, so it actually feels like Christmas now.

Cass had her Winter Program Tuesday evening. DH drove on the way home and picked a fight with a big doe. Sadly, no one really won the fight; the car is sitting dead in the driveway (still), and the deer didn't fare too well either. However, we all walked away without a single scratch. We're still waiting to hear from the insurance company to see what the game-plan will be... until then, I've been bumming rides with DH and coworkers.

Finally, has your family turned into a "tech family?" Pictured: Cassie playing on her DS, Candace playing on the ipod touch, Me on the laptop, and Caitlyn on the other laptop. DH couldn't resist taking the pic when he saw this; it's not QUITE the norm, but pretty close....
(anyone recognize the book on the floor????) ;0)

Happy Sunday!


Amanda said...

How lovely to read one of your chatty posts again, I've missed you. You've certainly set your target high for your Christmas holiday break, how long do you get? Your quilts are all looking good though, I particularly like the colours in Christmas Lights. The boys don't live with us now, so we don't tend to be that techy when we get together, though Oliver and I often sit together playing a DS game.

Nancy said...

We have a two hour delay today, school tomorrow and a half day on Wednesday. Can't wait!!!! The quilt tops are lovely, can't wait to see them finished.


BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

Enjoy your time off! You make me look bad with all you get done! Slow down and breathe! Giggles!

Candace said...

Sounds like your vacation is going to be wonderful and worth waiting for. I'm sure you'll fit in some other fun things (and some work things, too) between quilting.
It does seem sometimes like "what did we do before electronics". DH and I both get withdrawal pains if the internet or cable is down. I'm sure there are many who feel that it's not an improvement.

scraphappy said...

Those are some ambitious goals for Christmas vacation. I'm glad you are taking on the new mystery. I can't start anything new until the last mystery is finished, so I'll live vicariously through your accomplishments for a while. Bummer about having school for three days this week. Still, it will be worth it all when Wednesday rolls around. So Normal Rockwell with all the gadgets. Times do change, don't they?

Andee said...

Just had to chuckle on the family picture, but at least you are all using technology in the same room! You have been busy sewing despite time limits! WOW! You will be a whirlwind of activity here soon. Can't wait to see it all shape up.

Linda Lee said...

Love your tops! Two more days to go! WHOO HOO! I will try to stop down with Kasey's (almost finished) quilt before vacation!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Go Amy Go - you can do it. Enjoy your break!

Calidore said...

Sounds like you have Christmas all organised. Lovely to hear that everything is going well and that you have so many projects planned. Have a wonderful Christmas.