Time-lapse photography, quilting style:

(across top)
9:30 am: my morning began by pressing seams sewn last night
10:30 am: All four sets completed (two for the swap, two not quite up to par to remain for my quilt)
11:30 am: Half-way through pressing bonus triangles and sewing into pinwheels
1:00 pm: still working through those bonus triangles...almost done!
(two on left)
1:23 pm: FOUR set of pinwheels from bonus triangles complete
1:25 pm: OIL CHANGE!!!
(two on right)
2:00 pm: Class Act - baby sample blocks sewn into rows
2:44 pm: borders going on
(across bottom)
3:42 pm: sandwich getting basted
4:32 pm: quilting in the ditch
4:45 pm: quilted, awaiting final trimming and binding
4:52 pm: potatoes frying for dinner
4:55 pm: BREAK TIME!!!!!! ;0)
How's your day going?
Follow the Quiltathon-er's progress...
8:00 pm update

Happy Saturday!
Looks like a fabulous me day! You got more done than I did...I did a cute tiny little bag for a Valentine's Day swap and am halfway done with a second one. Has the whole day gone? That is ALL I have really done!
nice work! i love your pinwheel and pineapple blocks. are you going to be assembling that top tomorrow?
When I saw the bottle of wine, I immediately thought that all those pieces drove you to drink . . . but you must remember not to drink and quilt!
Excellent days work. I just love bonus squares! What could be more fun than that. When is the next quilt class coming up? It looks like you should be all set.
I really like your Class Act-Baby. Is that your own pattern?? I think it would be a fun easy pattern for a Project Linus quilt.
Wow - That is really great progress. I am impressed!!
Enjoyed the time lapse photography! You accomplished a lot!
You've had a very productive day!
Sounds like a fun time is being had by all.
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