Yes, I HAVE been doing some sewing, but not at much as normal. Life got hectic for the moment at school again, and my evenings have simply been used for major vegetation! I've been exhausted!
I finished up the last of the curtains -- one for the kitchen window above the sink and one for the dining room door. Both face the west, so when we sit down for dinner or wash up the dinner dishes, the sun blares at us, looming above the horizon before setting, and is quite BRIGHT on many days. I have no pictures---simply didn't take them yet. Someday.

LOL---I guess a box of chirping chicks is enough for anyone! I can't imagine how the shipping guy(s) handled them :0)

[[No, the chicks really don't have red heads; we ordered for a buddy as well, so we asked the company to mark the two separate orders clearly since they were mailed in the same crate.]]
I am looking forward to a day in front of the sewing machine. Yesterday was a long one; we watched Cassie's Destination Imagination team compete ((NOT at a local city)).

This was Cass's team's first year of competition and they were satisfied with their performance, although slightly sad that they didn't earn an award. One team from our school will be advancing to the State-level competition.

The middle-school venue had access to a swimming pool, so after her competition, we dressed up all three girls in their suits and they "swam" for an hour.
The awards ceremony last almost an hour and started late.....Candace simply couldn't take anymore.

[[But she DID stay awake for the enitre 2 hour ride home]]
Happy Sunday! I'm off to start my day downstairs.
I guess I can see how a week went by with no updates. Life does get in the way, doesn't it? Your Destination Imagination does look a lot like our Odyssey of the Mind. I hope those baby chicks are going to go live at the farm? Hopefully you will have some days off over Easter again and be able to get some sewing done.
You sure have had a busy week! I love the picture out the end - kids go at it 110% and then conk out 110%.
My daughters High school team is doing DI-bot this year. It always seems like a long day to me. The teenagers have made so many friends through DI, it is great.
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