All day yesterday, waiting for that lovely brown UPS truck to arrive. At 5:34 p.m., it rolled into the driveway, and I couldn't contain myself. "Honey, honey, honey--go see if he needs help--I don't know how many boxes there will be; I don't know how heavy they will be--go help, okay?"
DH was back in the house in seconds, carrying ONE box---"so, is this it?" he asks.
My look was probably priceless-----
WHAT!??!!?!?!?!?!? One box?!?!?!!?!??
Me: "Are you kidding?!?!? You're kidding, right? You just left the other boxes outside, right???"
Him: "No honey, really...this is the only box....see, the slip says '1 of 1'"
Cell phone lines AND internet were in chaos, so there was no way to try to sort things out and check online to see 'what happened.'
{{Excited--for the time being}}
The box that DID arrive was the Juki, so I started unpacking it, setting it up, reading the manual cover-to-cover...

An hour later, internet was working again, so I dug a little bit to find out "what happened."
I will admit to being impulsive at times. When I logged into the sewingmachinesplus.com site (for the first time) and saw "GMQ Pro frame - drop shipment ordered"----I panicked!!!!
WHAT?!?!?! THe shipment was dropped!!??!!?!? What......now what...?!?!?!
And I emailed the company.....
Knowing that I had contacted the company, I didn't want the night to completely be a wash, so I sadly sat in front of the Bernina, WISHING I actually had a frame to put together, but......decided to at least finish up a few things hanging over my head...

SO---quilt name????? "Leapin' Lizards" "Chameleon Colors" ???? What do you have in mind?

Remember back in December??? (hubby hitting deer).....
We seriously have only had the car back for a couple of months--------the insurance company is going to wonder if we have a salt-lick mounted on our grill!!!!
Thankfully, DH was home today and was able to call insurance and get that ball rolling again. Gosh---I wonder if alligators cause the same damage??? Angela, maybe we'll move to Florida!!!
{{Excited again}}
The day ended on a some-what positive note.
I heard back from Sewingmachinesplus.com...
Dear Amy,
No worries girl! The GMQ Pro, Quilt Cad and Grace Speed Control all come from the manufacturer to you. These are referred to as ‘Drop Shipped’, and I think that is your confusion. We should receive tracking information in the next day or so, and you will expect the items delivered right to you!
So, whew!!!!! It's SOMEWHERE, I just don't know where nor know when it'll be delivered :0(
So, I am NOT-so-patiently awaiting the delivery of the frame...
At least tomorrow is Friday...
Oh boy, I feel your frustration! It seems the more you want something the more you have to wait! But at least you got the fun part first!
Anyway, you got a lot done, I love that new quilt for kids and the Carolina Christmas blocks too!
Boy are you getting a lot done while waiting. Nervous energy is a good thing, right? UPS delivers on Saturdays I think. You still have two more chances for the frame to show up before the weekend. Love the Leapin' Lizards, definitely the perfect name. I don't know anyone who has ever hit a gator, but armadillos are common road kill, no damage to the car though.
If the frame doesn't show up before the weekend you could have two or three more practice quilts ready to go by the time it hits your front door. Seriously.
Anticipation! Hopefully the frame will get there soon!
I've lived in Florida for a looong time. I can't say that I've ever hit a gator. I think it's pretty rare to even see one in the road.
I had the same experience, first the Juki which is a fabulous machine. It took a couple of days for the frame but it was worth it. I'm sure you will love it. Definitely exciting.
Hello Amy, love the effeciveness of the colours you used in the disappearing nine patch...I think we all have those days...when we should stay in bed under the covers..Warm Regards Lyn
I think you'll like your Juki, I've had mine for about a year or so, and have enjoyed it. There is a Juki group that I belong to:
Hope you get your frame soon. I don't have a frame, but hope to get one some day.
I'm thrilled for you! I have never watched quilting on a frame--maybe when vacation comes you will let me come and watch!
To Amy's blogging friends: She had to present to our entire school staff the curriculum mapping they needed to complete during an afternoon inservice. She did an awesome job!
I am interested in how you like your frame. Was it easy to put together? I hope you will blog about it later.
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