So, now....I MUST concentrate most of my time on Hannah's Rotation.

are complete. Just two more rows in the center to finish up this top! GOAL: Finish up the top by Sunday!!! It sure would be nice to put this project behind me.
Nancy (Patchwork Penguin) choose #3 for the May UFO. That would be my Steppin' Out quilt I am making with some batik-ish looking dyed fabrics. Back on April 11th, this was the status of the top...I am VERY near a complete finish with this one; just awaiting a final border and then quilting.

Gosh, I feel good today! I think I really needed this weekend in front of the two sewing machines! I was all smiles today at work; was my normal "cheerleader" self to most of the students who are slowly starting to sense the end of the school year {{sorry kiddos! You have 5 weeks left!!!}}
If I can stay this happy and stress free, Hannah's Rotation just MAY NOT kill me! :0)
Happy Monday!
Your American Classic looks great; Hannah's Rotation looks a killer; Steppin" Out looks stunning. You really are on a roll.
I LOVE American Classic!!!! I might have to make one, myself =)
American Classic is great! I especially like your label--I know it will be appreciated. I am anxious to see Hannah's Rotation when it is finished.
What is it they say... that which does not kill us? If nothing else, at least Hannah's rotation will be behind you very soon. On the bright side, with a deadline looming, it can't turn into a UFO to haunt you later. American classic is perfect though, and didn't you just buy some border fabric for the batik one? 5 weeks is not such a long time, and there are 4 more weekends to help you through it.
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