On a final note: had to do a quick Walmart run before the softball game tonight. GUESS who begggggged to go to the fabric section?????
Okay....do I have to count Cassie's fabric purchases against my stash report??????? She was allowed to buy two yards tonight; 1 yard each of some coordinating fabrics. I'm thinking of a disappearing 9-patch for her??? I'll see if I can find a 3rd fabric from my stash that'll match the other two....
Alright----so REALLY on a final note.....
It was a crazy late night here at the Skattebo-Ranch! When we arrived home from the ball game (10:35) with all three girls in tow, our dog Shadow was no where to be found! He had broke loose of his tie-up this afternoon, so I put him in one of the side-chicken-run-areas we created two years ago and have been unused since! I didn't think too much of it.....well......that dog! He dug his way out. And the SAD SAD SAD news-----I only counted 6 of our egg-layers (chickens) when we normally have 11 (or is it 13?) Ohhh......DH is NOT NOT NOT going to be happy!!!!! I'm only hoping they are roosting out in the woods???? {crossing fingers and toes!!!!}. Anyway---I wasn't really in the mood to do this, but I did a quick drive around the neighborhood (with girls in tow). No luck. Then.....driving back into the yard at 11:05....THERE that turkey was!!! Tongue-a-pantin'; tail-a-wagin; happy as all can be. Ohhhhh......he better just wait!!!! If those chickens don't show up tomorrow, he has some explaining to do!!!!!
At least the girls are happy that Shadow made his way back home. Bought a good 250lb-heavy-duty 20-foot tie-out for him tonight. He's a runner, so we also have him double-leashed. I don't really like that we need to keep him tied up, but.....well.....he's a RUNNER! Seriously! Even when we let him loose to play.......OFF he'll run! S'pose we could get him "snipped" to see if THAT would help! {old wives tale, or do some of you have some actual experiences based on your own dogs???}
Okay---midnight, and WIDE AWAKE!!!!!!!
I'll see if anyone else posted tonight.....
We got home late one night and couldn't find one of our hens. We found her roosting on the rotary line in the garden. Seems like the natural instinct is to get up high, lol. Hope they all come clucking home tomorrow
Glad you found your pup and hope you find the chickens.
Looks like Cassie has a stash report to do now! :)
OMG!! Glad you found the dog, but I hope that you find the chickens, too!! ugh!
My little Max got loose on Saturday and I had to run to catch him. He has no idea about cars and as I was running, I heard screeching tires. Scared me to death!
We have a little ShihTzu and she is a runner...takes off every time the door opens, and she is 11 yrs. old! She will try to run to wherever we are, or if we are home, she takes off hoping we will chase her. I can't believe we haven't lost her after all these episodes!
First - No her purchases are her own stash. Second - the dog - ugh. Something like that always seems to happen when I am on my own!! Good luck with the chickens!
I hope those chickens turn up! We have five dogs...the blind one stays close, the two littlest ones will stay close if not following the two that RUN every chance they get. In Wisc they were constantly escaping no matter what we did (the one would be tied out and she would jump up on the long handle of the outside door and open it up for the others to escape!) but have only gotten out about three times here...maybe because the kids haven't been here and they don't dare try it on us. One will only come back if we get the car...dang animals! Love these July blocks!
I have two big dogs outside that I wish would run away...I leave the gate open and they just lay around on the porch and look at me like: What, you think I'm going out that gate and you lock me out. No way, I know a good thing when I got one. I don't have to do anything but bark and lay around and I still get fed. You can shut that gate now. You don't want other dogs getting in, do you?
I love the blocks. I went over there just to check and see if they were up, and there they were..Thanks for posting these. I'll be working on these this week. Happy 4th!
Glad your dog and your chickens are all safe and sound! :)
I love reading about your daughter's sewing !
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