{{Note to self}}
The NEXT time I volunteer to take a nice, large
I HATE PUZZLES! Anyone know where to begin?????

9:08 AM update

Ooooooooo.......I WANT WALLS NOW so I can move in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
{{and it looks like the floor is going to need one more mopping to get all the grouting residue removed}}
Are you going to use the computer table to sew on too??? What a joy to have all of that space?
I love the little helper... send her my way ok?
Oh Goodness, I feel for you. I have trouble putting things like that together with the instructions. I wouldn't even want to consider it without the paperwork. Good luck. Hopefully the next post will show a beautiful sewing center. Winona
I have that same desk in oak in my office! I love mine although it just gives me more room to make stacks of paperwork! Ha!
Wow! That is a bunch of space to sew -- and it looks great on that brand new floor! Grout always seems to need just one more mopping to be done, but at least you have a helper
Wow, that's some sewing centre. Fantastic
Just think of all the piles of fabric you'll have room to stack on that whopping great desk.
Wow! Lots of room to spread out on your table! And cubby holes...I love cubby holes to stash stuff!
I just picked up my 'slightly used' Horn sewing cabinet today. As it's a heavy sucker, it's sitting in my living room waiting for some of my 'men' to carry it upstairs. DH helped me carry it in and asked "How much did this cost?...20?" I said ...OK!
Love your new sewing desk. So much room to move.
Congrats, on the assembly.( I would still be putting it together.) I love it.
The floor is looking great!
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