First, let me say....you can NEVER read too many blogs! Right? Every now-n-then, a new blogger will post a comment, and my typical response is to head over to their blog to read up on their life. It is AMAZING who we meet via blogging! I just counted the # of blogs I have linked directly off my page---42 (if my memory serves). BUT, there are a few others that I "follow" and catch their posts via my dashboard.
What about you? How many blogs do you "follow" and/or read daily?
How many "giveaways" have you entered??? ((guiltily trying to count on my hands and toes, running out of appendages)
How many "giveaways" have you won??? (I think Andee is the winner there??????)
Anyway---just taking a moment to say a big morning "HIYA" to all my blogging buddies that take time to read my posts on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. I have enjoyed getting to know each and every one of you!
I have a TON of blogs that I read. Luckily, only a few of them posts every single day! I enjoy reading the blogs and getting a peek into other people's lives. Although, it sometimes creates problems when people start working on things that are too cute to pass up! *ahem, midget blocks!*
None. I use google.com/reader to track my favorite blogs. I also have quilterblog.com in my reader to see even more blogs. I prefer not to get extra emails or clicking to see if a blog has new updates. Just what works for me.
I am with Jill on this. I read a lot of blogs and enjoy seeing the wonderful projects out there and getting to know people I wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity to meet.
I downloaded all the midget block patterns because of you but haven't committed to making them - yet.
I just won a package of selvages and have won a couple of other things in the past. I love giveaways but don't participate unless it is something I will really use. I also don't usually enter ones that require lots of effort. I like to keep my giveaways for people who regularly read my blog and my followers.
I enjoy your blog!
you are soooooooooooooooooooo right!
I follow about a dozen blogs regularly, and, then read a few others when I find their links in some of my Yahoo! groups. Your blog is one of my regular reads, Amy.
Linda in Southern Illinois
Ok I really feel like a vouyeur. I follow 238 blogs from my dashboard. They don't all blog on a regular basis. My favorite new blog is Catalog Living. Every other day or so she puts up a catalog picture with a funny comment. It always makes me laugh.
I have 151 blogs listed on my bloglines page. They aren't all quilt related. Two are word of the day, and a couple are cartoons. There is even one that is running and fitness. Not all of them get updates regularly, but about 25 show up daily. It's been fun to spend time on it this summer, but I may have to scale back when the school schedule kicks in full force. I've learned so much though and been inspired to create so many things I never would have thought about without seeing everyone's work. Truly, quilting would not be the same without blogging.
Oh Oh, I'm ashamed to admit that I have 320 on my Google Reader. I'm just always finding more good ones. No wonder I have about 700 unread, and no wonder I spend way too much time online.
Haven't counted them lately! But, I tend to break my reading down into days: Monday/Wed:A-M then T/TH: N-Z. Fridays and weekends I catch up on those I missed---When school starts in 2 weeks, blogs will become my "after dinner" reading as I'm not willing to get up any earlier than I already will have to (4:30) to read them!
I have my top 20 blogs that I check in with almost daily for a quick visit...and about 200 that I check in with monthly.
I'm fairly strict about time on the computer...virtual quilting could easily eat up all my real quilting time!
I only visit blogs that are mostly about quilting.
I haven't figured out the whole "follower" thing, although I seem to have follows...I don't know how that happened!!
I wish I could figure out the google reader thing...I try and then just give up! I never counted my blog folder in my favorites but you are one I check everyday!
I have about 150 blogs listed on bloglines and try to read daily. I usually only post 1-2 times a week and feel that thats about all anyone wants/needs to hear from me. I read mostly quilting blogs and can separate them from the very few others I read. If I miss a day or two and the posts pile up, I just skip several to keep my reading time in check. I don't read any that tend toward mostly selling stuff.
I have about 50 addresses on my blogroll; they're a mixture of quilting blogs and gluten free blogs; a few website that I like to keep in touch with; plus a couple of other blogs that I've discovered along the way. Some I often try to comment on, others I just read. Thank goodness they don't all get updated every day, as I just spend an hour or so each morning on the computer, before I get up.
I have to be very strict with myself though, as it would be so easy to follow links and get hooked up with loads of other super blogs and super people, but I just don't have the time.
I tried answering this yesterday from school and it didn't work LOL
So, the answer is too many LOL
Actually I have about 200 blogs in my Google Reader.... some of them twice and I'm not sure why.
Do I read them all every day? No, thus the use the Reader.
This is one reason why I go to school to get work don :o)
I have about 10 that I follow regularly. I started following them because the authors commented on my personal blog or replied to a comment I left. I don't officially "follow" many, but have favorited them in my browser or visit from history.
I like to see what people are working on. I'm routinely inspired by blog posts to have a better day or start a new project.
LOL I too get up at 5 am for reading blogs and posting my own! My kids start school next week and it will interfer with my blog time because they need to be up by 5:30am to get on the bus by 6:30! I will have to adjust my reading time to 6:30 - 7:30 :) Ahhh the joys of school routines!!
As for how many I read, well the ones I follow using blogger is 61 - good thing not everyone posts daily :) and now I just added yours (came from a BOM link on Modern Diary blog). Now I also read about 10 more using other blog formats (typepress, wordpress)
I haven't been active in the giveaways -- just don't have the time for that.
How many do you read daily? :)
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