7:00 AM--shower, drink coffee, kiss DH goodbye for the weekend :0(
7:45 -- wake girls and go through typical "morning stuff"
9:15 -- Cassie's eye appointment, followed by a few errands (groceries and pharmacy)
11:00 -- arrive home, unload car, start lunch, start laundry
12:00 -- clean up lunch table, put next load of clothes in machine/dryer; head outside to pick green beans
12:45 -- soak green beans in sink; take care of next load of laundry (INCLUDING FOLDING!!!!)
1:00 -- headed downstairs
With so many projects sitting idle, I decided it was time to start my "Twilight" block swap. It isn't due until October, but....well....yeah, you know. Volleyball season is right around the corner; I didn't want to NOT get around to these.
The idea behind the swap is to use the colors that appear on the Twilight saga books: red, black, white, gray. Swappers may choose any 12" block of her liking. My choice: Blackford's Beauty. This is the block that Bonnie used in her Jared Takes a Wife, this is also one of the blocks that I posted for February 2010 BOM. It's definitely one of my favorites! So, to be "in-the-mood" for a Twilight inspired block, I threw the DVD into the machine and sewed for the duration of the movie. This is how far I got....

OH! Speaking of which.....DEFINITELY WORTH LOOKING AT! If you haven't already taken a peek at Amanda Jean's homemade spray starch, you simply MUST! I used to be so skimpy with when, where, how much spray starch I used in the past because it was SO expensive! $7.00 a bottle! And when a bottle could be gone within 3 days of serious quilting-----PSHT! I don't think so! Therefore---tried out AmandaJean's "recipe." LOVE IT! LOVE IT! Water = free. Corn starch---psht? $??? always have it on hand. Essential oil: $9.00/bottle, which will last for YEARS!!!!!!! In the last two weeks, I must have refilled my bottle 3 times already---that's a LOT of savings!!!
Anyway---I did take one small break in the movie to take care of another load of laundry (AND FOLDED AGAIN!!!)
So, movie ended around 3:00. As badly as I wanted to keep pluggin' away at the blocks, I had other pressing projects too!
Knowing (again) that Vball season will definitely reduce the amount of machine time I'll have, I HAD to start spending some time on the September (and October) BOM's. So....what movie to put in?????.....
The mask of Zorro -- I figured it was fitting; not knowing who Zorro is....not knowing what the blocks will look like. ??? Yeah, okay....maybe pushing it a little bit.

At that point, the movie was paused and dinner preparations took over (after, of course, another load of laundry taken care of). Dinner: BBQ on bun, pickles, mac-n-cheese, baked beans, pink lemonade.
5:00 -- tidy up kitchen, unload dishwasher and reload with supper dishes, take care of ANOTHER load of laundry while drawing a bath for #2 and #3. Bathe girls and tidy up bedroom/bathroom/kitchen all at the same time.
6:00 -- take girls out of bath, trim Candace's hair.......and yup! ANOTHER load of laundry!
6:30 -- head back downstairs, unpause the movie and tackled the 2nd BOM for September...

8:00 -- movie ended; block finished, a small bit of tidying the sewing room. Headed upstairs to shoosh the girls to brush teeth. Take care of the LAST load of laundry (I've lost track, but I think it was 6 total washers full), make Cassie's bed with freshly washed sheets, tuck all three girls into Cass's bed, carry Candace back downstairs to take care of a nasty toenail that was hurting her, wipe away her tears, and tuck her in to Mom's bed. (Yeah....I think that was her game plan all along!) ;0) No biggy----no hubby tonight, and the girls REALLLLLY need to get some sleep tonight. They have a tendency of NOT sleeping until too late when they all sleep together. (go figure, right?)
And now----computer time :0)
Tomorrow will be another long, energy-seeping day. I was asked to play in a Vball tournament a few weeks back and gladly accepted, NOT realizing that DH wasn't going to be AWAY for the majority of the weekend. I don't really want to call a babysitter to watch the girls, even though they would probably LOVE that. Instead, I'll be schlepping them along with me. Last year, the tournament started at 9:00 a.m. and ended at 8:00 p.m. (DH and I were done by 6:00 though because our team lost before the final two rounds of the tournament.) I'm sure they will be perfect lil' angels for me :0) **crossing fingers**
Your block and your fabrics are gorgeous. You have a very busy life, but you seem to balance it well.
Wow, you sure are busy. Love the blocks. Good luck tomorrow. Winona
I'm sure the girls will be good for you. They should be pretty tired after a day like today. I love the colors for your Twilight block. I think I have some of the same line from Connecting Threads. It's not nice to taunt us all with previews of the new blocks.
I want to do the Twilight swap! How do I do that?
That's an awful lot of washing. Is your weather being kind and drying it for you? And do you have a line long enough? Or do you use a tumble dryer.
Busy, busy, busy!!! I hope that you got enough sleep last night and that the girls mostly behave today while you play! :)
Great job on all the sewing you got to do!! :)
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