By 5:00, the movie and block both came to an end and it was time to head upstairs to start dinner: spaghetti with sauce and garlic bread.
While that was cooking, I worked on cleaning and cutting the green beans that had been marinating in the sink with cold water all day....

Amy's Favorite Rhubarb dish: "Rhubarb Crunch"
1 cup flour
1 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup dry oatmeal
1/2 cup butter
2-3 cups rhubarb (3 cups makes a fuller "filling")
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
2 Tbls corn stach
Mix flour, brown sugar, oatmeal and softened butter. Press half into bottom of 8x8 or 9x9 dish. Spread rhubarb on top.
Bring water, sugar and corn starch to a boil in medium sized pan. Pour over rhubarb and sprinkle the remaining "crunch" on top. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Mmmmmmmm.......the buzzer dinged a bit ago and I took the Rhubarb dish out of the oven. By now, it's cooled just enough for me to have one (large) piece for dessert.
GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN to all my blogging teacher friends who head back tomorrow. Some of you head back later on this week. I still have this week off, but will need to spend some time (probably Wed) making sure I'm ready for the following Monday when volleyball practice starts. If I didn't coach, I would still have two complete weeks and three days the following week off before teachers need to head back in Wisconsin. We have a (stupid) state law that forBIDS school to begin until September 1. At least we're not as bad off as Michigan----they can't start until after Labor Day!!!! In certain years, that ends up being a REALLY LATE start!!!
I also suffer when the ragweed is ...active...? Mine started one day this past week also! Alavert D is my sanity saver. My arms will still breakout if I actually am in contact with it. (I get out of picking sweet corn!) Still get to cook it and freeze it though.
I've decided to use your BOM for my month in our Euro Bee, so at least I'll get some of the blocks made and then I might be able to make a few more to make a complete quilt. I wish I'd started out at the beginning of the year, but there never seems to have been time.
I'm going to be busy this morning freezing the last of the peas, some of the french beans and the first of the runner beans since we won't have time to eat any of them today.
I hope you enjoy the last of your holiday. Our schools still have several weeks holiday left; I've never known them to go back until sometime during the first week of September, and the private schools go back later than that. Number One Son doesn't start back teaching until 7th September this year.
Congrats on everything you got done yesterday!!
And woo hoo on one more week, she writes as she is getting ready to head to work TODAY. :(
There is actually a law to tell you when you can start????? That's a new one.
The kids start back on August 30, I need to get some stuff ready but my room is off limits.. they are waxing the hallways this week.
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