I'm glad I was motivated right away after posting about the chicks this morning, because by 6:00 am, I was downstairs sewing away. Clue #2 was finished, and clue #3 started. At 7:30, I shut the machine off to wake Paul since he chose to 'sleep in' and ignore the alarm.

I started prepping Caitlyn's and Candace's room for painting, and after some breakfast, we were raring to go by 9:00. The bed and large armoire remained in the center of the room, but everything else was hauled out.

Caitlyn's first job was to paint around the outlets.

Candace was parked in the corner to paint by the closet door.
Caitlyn and Candace each had their turn with the roller...

But my big helper of the day was CASSIE!!! Once the "little jobs" were done, I shooshed Caitlyn and Candace out---there simply wasn't room since we left the bed in the room. Cassie helped paint the lower portions while I handled the ladder parts. She'll be a pro by the time we paint hers, scheduled for Sunday.

Everything moved back in and ALMOST a finished room. We still want to add stamped flowers once we open up Cassie's yellow, but for now, it's a new sanctuary for the girls. They LOVE it! ;0) The ceiling and floor trim has been waiting since 2004, so I figured..."what's a few more years, right?"

I have no idea when this purple hair happened; we were just sitting at dinner when I noticed it. (She was shooshed out of the room before 11:00 am).
When Cassie and I finished up at 1:00, we headed downstairs to see if any more chicks had hatched. Our timing was PERFECT! Within 5 minutes of us being there, Chick #2 hatched!

S/He was NOT pretty. Sorry lil' thing, but even Mama's eyes can't lie about your lack of cuteness directly after falling out of the egg.

Now, there are five hatched....and MUCH better looking once dry and fluffy.

...with a couple more pecking away at their shell.
Paul will be moving the hatchlings to their new home soon. Picture to come of that once they move in and get all settled.
Time for me to go take a shower; I'm still speckled with purple ;0)
When you said purple, you really meant PURPLE! Nice days work. Especially with all the help. Love the little chicks. Do they have names yet?
That's some SERIOUS purple. No wonder the girls love it.
Chicks are just the cutest things.
Great to get them started young, an you know they're doing it right when they're covered in paint!
Isn't it great when they get to an age where they can help to a greater or lesser extent? I can never paint anything without getting it in my hair.
I absolutely LOVE that color. I wanted purple when I was Cassie's age-the closest my mother allowed was light lavender!
Great helpers!!! Send them to PA... I need a room or two painted.
And congrats on the grand-chicks :o) can't wait to see them all fluffed up!
Your's is a very busy household but I love the purple. and the chicks are cute, too. I remember when we had some, when I was a little one.
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