it was an ALL ME day.
I pushed the little bit of schoolwork that still remained aside; I'll be certain to drink an extra dose of strong caffeinated coffee tomorrow morning and plow through the last of my work prior to having students tomorrow. I figured 8 hours this weekend devoted to schoolwork was already enough! I needed a break.
Downstairs I went by 8:15, with my coffee in hand. I plopped "The Phantom of the Opera" in the DVD player....and SUNG -n- SUNG -n- SUNG while stringin' -n- stringin' -n- stringin' away. Screeched at a few of the high notes; voice is out of singing shape. And boy, oh boy....I'm glad there are NO microphones or recording devices in my quilting space. :p

I had finished my step #2 orange string blocks yesterday. I spent 95% of my time today working AND FINISHING step #4's green (Bonnie's Red) string blocks.

My colors will no longer fit Bonnie's "Orca Bay" theme (if my hunches are correct with her color uses), BUT....I simply love the color selection I chose; I can't see why they won't fit together nicely in whatever final pattern Bonnie's mystery leads us to.
That orange really pops!!!! I'm looking forward to seeing how this all goes together.
I love your colors! I am really going to have to go buy some more black and white before I can do step 3.
Looking great! I'll have to live vicariously through you for a few days. Loving your colors. Glad you were able to put aside your school work for a while and treat yourself to some well deserved time for yourself.
The pieces look fabulous together! Can't wait to see how yours turns fun!
Awesome! So glad you are sewing along...very motivating for me! Hope all that grading is caught up before you collect the next thing due!
Your pieces look great together. I am glad that you were able to take some "me" time.
Those colors are great! I am proud of you for catching up, I haven't started the next step yet, so you have inspired me!! Have a great week!
looking great! I am using some orange too!
I love the colors you choose ! I've taken orange too, but I'll don't think about orange with purple ! very nice ! I'm in a hurry to see yours finished !
Your colors are terrific, especially the orange. I am using green in place of Bonnie reds also. I enjoyed visiting your blog and looking at all of your Bonnie quilt finishes. wow!
Your colors are so pretty. Very much like mine, but I think my black makes it more wild. I used blue instead of your green, and I think that I'm getting to be a green fan.
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