Oh Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie.......I'm slappin' my forehead big time!!!!! I've lost the points :\ AND, had I not trimmed up, I think all my pieces would be fitting nicer; come to find out, those stretchy string units realllllly are out-sizing the nicely trimmed up Ohio Star units. :|
Hm.....live and learn.
In the end......It'll still be an AMAZING quilt, with hours and hours and hours of inspiration devoted to it. Those orange strings certainly "SING" though, huh
I haven't revealed a name for my rendition yet; Orca Bay certainly doesn't fit it. I have a few names floating around in my head; playing games with combinations of words that come to mind from this entire process. It actually makes me think about how we name(d) our children; that until you actually see that adorable lil' face in front of you, a name just doesn't "hit home" until that very final moment.
1/2/12 update
Oh No! Self-talk:
I was just looking at Jo's quilt on her blog, and I kinda make a "hmm...her strings appear to be going the wrong way...."
And then I looked at my 8 rows sewn together already.....
!!!!!! Mine also are going the "wrong way"; they are going against the grain of the "light diagonals"
So sure enough-----I looked at my printouts from Sunday :\
I used Bonnie' EQ drawing to layout out my blocks, but then used her quilt photo to lay out the direction for the strings....
I didn't realize they were two different layouts (with no rotational symmetry), therefore, the string blocks are going in the wrong direction. SO----IF YOU HAVEN"T GOTTEN TO THIS PART YET!!! TAKE CARE! The pics on her blog directions have been fixed, but the PDF file still has the two "rotated" pics of each other. I don't know if/when she has plans to fix the PDF file.
A set back, but I'm still keeping the smile on my face. I WILL be doing some ripping in the near future of the 8 rows completed so far. This is an amazing pattern an heirloom.
WOW!!! That orange really does pop.... I was anxious to see how your colors went together. I love how they work.
Couldn't watch the game... our fox station didn't carry it. But had my NEW t-shirt on :o)... can't wait till Tuesday... the kids will be expecting my chapeau de fromage :o)
It's fabulous!
And isn't it amazing that each quilt is such a new journey, even after all these years?!?
Amy It looks great! I am not that far yet but looking at yours really makes me want to get that far! Can't wait to see which name you choose!
Good job! I am sooo far behind you that it may be awhile before I reveal a whole lot. LOVE your colors. I am awfully fond of orange!
If I got my magnifying glass out I might find some of those pesky points, or where they got lost, but from here it just looks gorgeous and that orange really does pop.
Your quilt is looking great....but I read you are having the same problem as me! Stringy elasticy rows that are much longer than the Ohio star rows!!!!
I was on such a high making this quilt, but now I'm thinking....scream!
Wow - great job! I am not quite finished step 6 but I hope to complete it and a good chunk of step 7 today. I don't have a name for my quilt yet either - I hope it tells me what it is soon!
First off, I LOVE the orange in it, and secondly, Once it is quilted and washed you will have to look really hard to find the missing points. It is beautiful.
Love your colors but, of course, with orange you can't go wrong. And, that quilt is so busy no one will ever notice if some or all of the tips are off. You are going to have one beautiful quilt.
"Autumn Song" "Maize Song (state grain)" "Muskellunge Fall (state fish)" "Violet Song (state flower)" "Sugar Maple Sunset (state tree)" Now you see why I don't get much done, my mind goes off on tangents, lol.
I almost forgot "Milk and Honey Autumn (state beverage and state insect)" Sometimes I wonder about myself.
So pretty already, love the orange. I was working on mine and took a break to read your blog. I was a little disappointed that my seams weren't matching as perfectly as I would like, BUT there is so much going on with these beautiful quilts that the points and off seams won't be noticed. : )
I was looking at your picture, thinking something didn't look right, then I seen the orange blocks, and thought, OH NO, she is going to have a heart attack when I tell her they are going the wrong way. The I seen your "RED" message, you already figured it out. Whew..........I am glad I am NOT the bearer of bad news. It sucks that you have to rip and resew them all, but I know you will be glad you did in the end.
I love the orange! Before you rip, lay some orange squares on there going the "right" way and be sure you like that better. Who knows, you may have created a new design!
I see you are in NW Wi - we spend time in Shell Lake.
Happy quilting!
Your purples and greens are the same as mine but I used pink instead of orange. I love yours--and mine! I'm calling mine "Azalea Bay"
Cindy W, Aus,
Amy First let me say I love your combo.
Second, you don't have to unpick, yours looks fine, not sure if you are going to redo them or not.
Third, I went back and checked out what you are talking about, The EQ does match if you turn Bonnies photo up the other way, or turn the EQon the other way, so it does still have the symmetry.
Yours just has the orange strings facing the darker blocks instead of the lighter blocks, NO BIG DEAL, from where I stand.
Yous is your masterpiece, not Bonnies, Please be happy with it it is beautiful.
Cindy W, Aus,
Me again, I can't comment on most blogs, because google won't let me use my ID if I haven't got a blog, which I don't have and don't want to at thisstage.
Anyway, I have noticed Kate in OK, she is number 63 in the Link up, you are # 65, well she has hers lined up the same way, you may want to warn her please, I also noticed she has her geese strings on the wrong grain, but that is not fixable, but the little strings are still fixable.
Thank you, Cindy. AS ABOVE.
amy, it's my fault --- I hung the quilt upside down...but it will turn out the same once your layout is complete, you can turn YOUR quilt upside down too and it will look like mine! LOL!
Amy, if you decide to rippit, you can probably reuse the rows. I reused my wrong way row 1 as row 3 and it was fine. Hope that helps.
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