Sunday, August 26, 2012

Quilts for Kids tops

Last Monday, I received a Quilts for Kids package in the mail that I requested sometime last month;  these kits come precut and ready for piecing.

They are quick designs;  this center was completed in just over an hour.  And then......"school-mode" started hitting me.  I already feel my quilting-mode leaving me;  little by little I am losing ambition and motivation to head down to the sewing room.  I dunno... it's a weird feeling that I can't really put into words.... 
...but anyway, the center remained waiting on my ironing board until this morning.

The final borders were attached.  It now awaits quilting.

I try to always send an additional quilt to the QFK headquarters made from my own stash.  Some time last year (?) (or was it this year?), Nancy (Patchwork Penguin) sent me some of her scraps.  A couple strips of Cars-Lightening McQueen fabric was included, in addition to this amazing blue dyed fabric.  Together with a yellow FQ and black yardage from my shelves, I was able to create this little quilt.  I initially was planning a disappearing 9-patch (D9P), but I never measured the two strips of Cars fabric; they looked the same.  I grabbed one; it measured 6.5".  I cut it in half (3.25") in order to make a strip set with a matching 3.25" blue strip....pieced, subcut..., and when I grabbed the second strip.... it measured 6".  :\  Ummm......well, snafu :}.  Thankfully, I'm not new to snafus, so..... I made up some D9Ps from the first set... and then used my design liberties to turn them into the unique blocks shown; and then used the last 6" strip for 1.5" borders.  I think it all worked out.  AND, if I'm up to it, when I quilt this top, I plan to use yellow thread in the middle of the black sashing units to have them look like roads.  {{Yeah, yeah...I know!  Lightening McQueen is a race car...and race tracks don't have yellow lines.  Oh well!}}  :0)


scraphappy said...

Sorry that your mental gears are starting to shift. All of us teachers get it completely. Cute kids quilts, always a nice way to accomplish something without getting involved in a long term project.

Nancy said...

Right there with you Amy.... sewing mojo went a while ago and into school mode.

Oh and I love what you did with the Cars fabric!!! Somewhere there is a child that will love it.


Linda Lee said...

So that is what my problem is!!! Last night I cleared my dining room table. Put my sewing machine away and packaged up all my UFO projects. Not a good sign!

Andee said...

I know what you mean when school mode much to do and not enough time! These will be great for some little ones to cuddle under!